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*'''Speaker''': He is a carismatic speaker, able to sway large crowds in his way.
*'''Swordsman''': Dilaf was very capable whit the Sword and used it in Combintion whit his Dakhor Powers.
*'''Dakhor''': Dilaf is a Dakhor Monk. His bones are twisted into shapes that grant him the Power of the Dor, giving him extreme speed, strength and nearly indestructible bones. Do the Fact that Dakhor is tied to Fjorden Dilafs Powers Decreased the furhter he was away from the Dakhor Monastery. As the Gragdet of Dakhor Dilaf had a number of Bone shaps that grant him powers other Dakhor Monks laked. His aperance and Aegingaging Prozesprocess wehr altert to make him lock young and Aonic. He has the ability to cancel out AonDor and is Imune to direct atacks whit the Dor(this shape required 50 lief sacrifices).
== History ==