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|books=[[The Final Empire]]
Lord '''Devinshae''' is a [[Noblenoble]]man in the [[Final Empire]].{{book ref|mb1|22}} He had a plantation, which originally had [[Dockson]] and [[Kareien]] in it.
[[Dockson]] describes Devinshae as a kind lord, but later elaborates that he rarely beat his skaa to death, and only killed the elderly when the population was out of control. He has an impeccable reputation among the nobility, and has been to [[Luthadel]] over the winter, between planting seasons.
He is lord over [[Kareien]] before he raped and killed her.
In actuality, Devinshae had raped and killed Dockson's girlfriend, [[Kareien]], and like many nobles did not consider skaa people. [[Vin]] was horrified by this revelation, calling Devinshae a monster, but Dockson says all nobles act like Devinshae.
He has a good reputation for not being too cruel to his skaa, only purging them when the population is unwieldy.
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