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Kenton expressed his surprise that Delius would vote for the Diem when it was very much against his Profession's best interests. Delius said that Kenton clearly does not know much about his position, and departed, telling them to eat as much as they want and to "waste" some wine for him.{{book ref|ws|12|review=yes}}
Later, back at the Diem, Kenton read through the Helm's charter and discovered what the position of Lord Admiral truly entailed. He discovered that the position possessed no true power, all of the Helm's power belonged to the Shipowners' Circle, and the position of Lord Admiral is merely a figurehead position. When the Circle selects a new Lord Admiral, an "honor" which he is unable to refuse, he forfeits all of his possessions and is forbidden from owning any property. All he is given is a house to live in, an unlimited food and drinks budget, and any ship when he wants it. He realized that Delius is as trapped as he is, and his extravagant lifestyle is merely a way to get back at the Circle for what they did to him.{{book ref|ws|13|review=yes}}
Later, when Kenton was trying to hire a ship to [[Lraezare]] to find Vey and was being blocked by dockmaster [[NaiMeer]] who was not allowing him to set sail, Delius arrived with his steward to commandeer a ship for himself. He said to Kenton that, spontaeneously, he had decided to pay a visit to the Shipowners' Circle in Lraezare, and invited Kenton to join him on his trip. Kenton said that he was also going there, Delius remarked that it was a remarkable coincidence, and they set sail for Lraezare.{{book ref|ws|15|review=yes}}
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