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|books=[[The Reckoners]]
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'''Curveball''' was an Epic in Newcago. He was killed in the events surrounding the assassination of [[Fortuity]].{{book ref|r1|}}
== History ==
The Reckoners planned to neutralize Fortuity, an infamous [[High Epic]]. While [[Megan]] was trying to lure Fortuity into a trap, Curveball appeared and gestured Fortuity to go back to Reeve Playhouse, interrupting Reckoners' scheme. Seeing an opportunity to meet his heroes, David showed up to distract Curveball. However, Curveball saw through his lie, and a gun fight broke out. Curveball was killed by Megan.{{book ref|r1|3}}
== AbilitiesAttributes and AttributesAbilities ==
===Epic Abilities===
