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Cuna also arranged for the UrDail embassy to have communication privileges, enabling Spensa to communicate with the UrDail on [[ReDawn]].{{book ref|sky2|13}}
|Perhaps it is foolish imagining, but I saw in my mind's eye the day when a delver might come - and a person like you, or the kitchen, or some other species saved us. I saw a change in my people, a moment when they began to realize that some aggression is useful.
|Cuna, to Spensa, about why she teamed up with Winzik to fight the delivers.{{book ref|sky2|34}}
Cuna approached Spensa after her conversation with Winzik on the mining platform being used for the Delver Resistance Program tryout and asked her if Winzik had tried to talk her out of trying out. Spensa said yes, and then asked again why the Superiority didn't want aggressive pilots. Cuna told her there was a delicate balance, and then tells her that the UrDail were the only non-Superiority species who had responded to her call and sent a pilot to try out. Spensa asked Cuna what her true purpose in asking her specifically to try out was, so Cuna told her it was because she wanted to see Spensa's human technology, her [[Starfighter#Light-lance|light-lance]], in action. Spensa then asked why a dione, a creature of primary intelligence, was trying out, and Cuna told her they were surprised and honestly didn't know.{{book ref|sky2|13}}
After Spensa's incident onboard the Weights and Measures with her espionage drone capturing footage of the engine room, Cuna got Vapor to escort Spensa to her personal shuttle, instead of going through the Weights and Measures security detail.{{book ref|sky2|32}} After turning away a security guard, Cuna launched the shuttle off the Weights and Measures and showed Spensa the communications she received directly from the UrDail, leading her to believe that Spensa was never intended to train in the Delver Resistance Program and usher in more UrDail pilots, but that she was really on Starsight to steal a cytonic hyperdrive and bring it back to ReDawn. Cuna also believed that the UrDail had a secret human preserve on ReDawn. Spensa told Cuna that her drone had basic AI, and Cuna became angry. Cuna did, however, allow Spensa to watch the footage her drone captured, showing a taynix powering the hyperdrive of the Weights and Measures.{{book ref|sky2|33}}
|You may choose not to believe it, Alanik, but my entire '''purpose''' has been to change the way my people view other species. Once the secret of hyperdrives escapes our grasp, we will need something new to keep us together. We won't be able to rely on our monopoly on travel. We need to be able to offer something else.
|Cuna, to Spensa, chiding her on her on her criticism of Cuna's actions.{{book ref|sky2|34}}
Cuna and Spensa watched the espionage drone's video footage, then Cuna told Spensa she and Vapor had gotten lucky in discovering Spensa's hidden hyperdrive; Vapor had followed Spensa back to the UrDail embassy after her walk with Morriumur and saw Doomslug in the window. Cuna then took Spensa into a fortresslike building that blocked M-Bot's communications. Cuna then showed Spensa Starsight's nowhere portal, where the burl I Gul'zah was dragged and pushed into, having been wrongly associated with a revolutionary movement believed to have caused the chaos onboard the Weights and Measures. Cuna then told Spensa that she had been trying to affectionately smile at Spensa, because she knew it was an UrDail-adopted human gesture.{{book ref|sky2|34}} After this, Spensa dropped her disguise and offered her hand to Cuna. Spensa told Cuna about her AI hologram technology and her escape from Detritus, and that she hadn't accidentally killed anyone. Cuna marveled at the human's recovery from a Superiority-induced stone age, then Spensa told Cuna Winzik's true intent to summon a delver, loose it on Detritus, and then hold it over the Superiority's heads. Cuna grew concerned, telling Spensa she had much more work to do, then offered Spensa a deal to make a deal with the humans, assuming all went well. Just as they shook hands, Vapor informed Spensa that they were being deployed to fight a delver.{{book ref|sky2|35}}
Cuna remained on Starsight when Winzik and the Department of Protective Services deployed the Delver Resistance Program to Detritus. When they saw the delver approaching Starsight, they sent Zezin away, hoping they would have a chance to save some of the station's inhabitants and thwart Winzik's further plans. After sending them away, Cuna noticed a group of starfighters appear, flying straight toward the delver.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
After the Spensa forced the delver to disappear, Starsight's shield went down, but emergency functions kept its atmosphere. Cuna went to the hospital that Spensa was being kept in and waited for her to wake up. When she did, Cuna told her what had happened and told her Morriumur had been born. Cuna then told Spensa that they had to leave to appear in hearings about the whole debacle, believing there was too much support for Winzik in the government to convict him, but enough support for Cuna and a good enough case to clear everything up and protect Spensa. Cuna also said the Superiority had made contact with Admiral Cobb, who had been more rational than many Superiority officials thought a human could be.{{book ref|sky2|Epilogue}} After looking out the hospital room window, Spensa became frightened and told Cuna they both needed to leave. Cuna protested, only for the door to be broken down by an armed guard. Spensa and Cuna fled the room, running towards the stairwell. They descended a floor, and Spensa, recognizing Cuna's poor shape, shoved them in a closet and gave them her alternate dione hologram, telling them to claim to be a janitor if questioned. Spensa told Cuna they were their only hope to restore peaceful relations with the humans and defeat Winzik. Cuna agreed, so told Spensa where the Department of Protective Services was keeping M-Bot, and hunkered down to wait out the coup.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
<!--== Attributes and Abilities ==
== Relationships ==