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2,118 bytes added ,  4 years ago
Added some history and a sidequote, as well as a hidden section for cuna's relationship w vapor
(Added some history and a sidequote, as well as a hidden section for cuna's relationship w vapor)
'''Cuna''' is a [[dione]] who lives on [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] and is the head of the [[Superiority]]'s Department of Species Integration.{{book ref|sky2|10}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Cuna is a tall, slender dione{{book ref|sky2|12}} with vivid blue skin and androgynous features. They lack hair and have prominent eye ridges and cheek bones. Cuna wears a set of robes a shade of blue just lighter than their skin tone the first time they meet Spensa.{{book ref|sky2|10}}
Cuna is a nonaggressive dione, like most of the other races of primary intelligence in the Superiority. Cuna is cold and calculating, analyzing everything people say, which makes them a skilled politician and an excellent schemer.{{book ref|sky2|13}} They are quite smart, engaged in a power struggle with [[Winzik]] and the Department of Protective Services. Cuna is also quite caring and affectionate, trying to smile at Spensa, a non-dione facial expression, to be welcoming and make her species' transition to Superiority life as smooth and comfortable as possible.{{book ref|sky2|34}}
Although Cuna publicly holds the common Superiority view that aggressive species should not be deemed of primary intelligence, they are more tolerant than many of their colleagues, believing that there is room in the Superiority for species of different temperances than the races of primary intelligence. They conceived the Delver Resistance Program with Winzik, in the hope that when a delver threatened the Superiority, a member of a so-called aggressive species from the program would save the day and convince the races of primary intelligence that some aggression is useful, and that the different ways species act is the strength of the Superiority, not its weakness.{{book ref|sky2|34}} 
== History ==
Cuna and Winzik created the Delver Resistance Program together, Cuna doing it to convince the [[Superiority]] races of primary intelligence that there was value in having more aggressive races in their society, while [[Winzik|Winzik's]] motivation was to provide himself with a fleet of starfighters so he could control the Superiority.{{book ref|sky2|34}}
Cuna arranged for [[Vapor]] to watch Winzik, suspicious of his motives in creating the Delver Resistance Program.{{book ref|sky2|34]]
Cuna first met [[Spensa]] when [[M-Bot]] landed in Starsight's docking bay. Cuna then told Spensa they were glad to meet her, as it had been at their personal request that the Superiority reach out to the [[UrDail]]. Cuna told Spensa that they had reached out to the UrDail in hopes that they would send pilots to the Superiority's new Delver Resistance Program. Their hope was that if Spensa's training went well, then more UrDail pilots could come to the Superiority and hopefully earn their race secondary Superiority citizenship.
|Let us simply say that I am interested in those who are not possessing...classical virtues. I am very curious to see you fly, Emissary Alanik.
|Cuna, to Spensa.{{book ref|sky2|13}}
Cuna led Spensa to the UrDail embassy, on the way explaining the danger of having [[cytonic|cytonics]] around, but told her that the Superiority needed aggressive pilots to use a superweapon prepared specifically to combat the delvers.
Cuna then told Spensa that although they as a member of the Department of Species Integration had a certain amount of say in the Delver Resistance Program, the Department of Protective Services, the group that monitored Detritus, was the lead group in the project. Cuna then told Spensa that if she and the other UrDail pilots performed well, Cuna might even shepherd the UrDail to ''primary'' citizenship. Cuna attempted to smile at Spensa, but then as alarms went off and a human woman approached the embassy, Cuna held Spensa back and told her that they would handle the situation.{{book ref|sky2|10}}
Cuna stepped in front of Spensa as Winzik and Brade approached the embassy. Winzik apologized for the miscommunication of the Superiority Departments, then ushered the group inside the embassy. After arguing with Winzik about Alanik's certification, Cuna told Spensa that Winzik was the head of the Department of Protective Services and that they and him had created the Delver Resistance Program. After Winzik forced Spensa to swear off of using her cytonics inside of Starsight's cytoshield, Brade and him left, and Cuna apologized to Spensa for his behavior. Cuna then told Spensa they had arranged for the UrDail embassy to have requisition privileges to stock itself. After telling Spensa how to contact them, they left.{{book ref|sky2|11}}
Cuna also arranged for the UrDail embassy to have communication privileges, enabling Spensa to communicate with the UrDail on [[ReDawn]].{{book ref|sky2|13}}
Cuna approached Spensa after her conversation with Winzik on the mining platform being used for the Delver Resistance Program tryout and asked her if Winzik had tried to talk her out of trying out. Spensa said yes, and then asked again why the Superiority didn't want aggressive pilots. Cuna told her there was a delicate balance, and then tells her that the UrDail were the only non-Superiority species who had responded to her call and sent a pilot to try out. Spensa asked Cuna what her true purpose in asking her specifically to try out was, so Cuna told her it was because she wanted to see Spensa's human technology, her [[Starfighter#Light-lance|light-lance]], in action. Spensa then asked why a dione, a creature of primary intelligence, was trying out, and Cuna told her they were surprised and honestly didn't know.{{book ref|sky2|13}}
<!--== Attributes and Abilities ==
== Relationships ==
=== Spensa ===
=== Winzik ===
=== Vapor ===
