Difference between revisions of "Cultivation's Perpendicularity"

[[Rock]] mentions that his people can sometimes visit the "place of the gods" when swimming in the Oceans, implying that the [[Unkalaki]] will sometimes travel through the Perpendicularity, albeit briefly.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Both [[Wit]] and [[Azure]] use this Perpendicularity when arriving on [[Roshar]]. The former comes through while [[Rock]] is still in the Peaks, while the latter likely arrivesuses it some time later, chasing a "criminal" (presumably [[Zahel]]).{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa3|93}}
During the [[True Desolation]], the Perpendicularity is assaulted from the [[Shadesmar]] side by the [[Voidbringers]], who take control of it and blockade it, halting anyone approaching its area and demanding tribute. Because of this, most spren choose to avoid coming near; however, [[Honorspren]] warships are willing to attempt to run the blockade, and [[Azure]] still believes it to be the safest way to leave Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa3|102}} Though it seems that the Voidbringer presence in the region is limited to the Cognitive Realm, it still has some sort of impact on the inhabitants of the Peaks.{{book ref|sa3|37}}
