Difference between revisions of "Cosmere"

15 bytes added ,  1 year ago
For much of [[Scadrial|Scadrian]] history, [[Ruin]]'s mind was trapped in the [[Well of Ascension]], which prevented him from destroying the planet. After the death of the [[Lord Ruler]], however, he was successfully able to manipulate [[Vin]] into taking up the Well's power and then releasing it, which allowed him to be free.{{msh ref|2|3}}
During all of this, [[Leras]] was quickly dying and the [[Ire]], who had set up their base at the edge of the Scadrian subastral, were planning to use a piece of [[Ire's orb|Invested technology]] to Connect to Preservation and Ascend, greatly increasing their power and influence.{{citemsh ref|5|2}} But Kelsier, hearing of their plans, stole the orb from them, and used them to Connect to Preservation as Leras died, becoming the Vessel of Preservation. He briefly had a bout with Ruin, but was ultimately unable to properly use the Shard, due to clashing Intents and his lack of connection to the Physical Realm.{{citemsh ref|6|4}}
After [[Marsh]] removed Vin's [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike, Kelsier gave Vin the Shard and she Ascended and became the Vessel of [[Preservation]].{{book ref|mb3|73}} During the [[Battle of Hathsin]], Ruin had Marsh kill [[Elend Venture]], which inspired Vin to sacrifice herself and kill Ruin's Vessel, [[Ati]].{{book ref|mb3|81}}
