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This page is about the chronology of the [[Cosmere]].
[[category: subsection redirects]]

<br /> [[Adonalsium]] shatters ([[Hoid]] is there)
<br /> -
<br /> [[Odium]] comes to [[Sel]], shatters [[Aona]] and [[Skai]]
<br /> -
<br /> [[Reod]] occurs; [[Elantris]] falls
<br /> (10 years)
<br /> [[Elantris]] comes back to power
<br /> -
<br /> [[Kelsier]] returns to [[Luthadel]]
<br /> (1 year)
<br /> [[Vin]] slays [[TLR]]
<br /> (1 year)
<br /> Seige of [[Luthadel]] begins
<br /> (1 year)
<br /> [[Vin releases Ruin]]; Emperor [[Elend]] established
<br /> (1 year occurs)
<br /> 4th Cavern discovered
<br /> (1 year occurs)
<br /> [[Leras]] dies; [[Kelsier]] becomes a [[Sliver]]; [[Vin]] becomes [[Preservation]]; [[Vin]] dies; [[Ati]] dies; [[Sazed]] becomes [[Preservation]] and [[Ruin]]
<br /> -
<br /> [[Siri]] marries the [[God King]]
<br /> (few months)
<br /> [[Lightsong]] gives up his breath; [[God King]] receives [[Kalad's Phantoms]]
<br /> -
<br /> [[Nightblood]] (Warbreaker 2)
<br /> - (min 3 years)
<br /> [[Elantris 2]]
<br /> - (10 years)
<br /> [[Elantris 3]]
<br /> - (hundreds of years)
<br /> Mistborn- [[Alloy of Law]]
<br /> -
<br /> Mistborn 2nd trilogy?
<br /> -
<br /> [[Way of Kings]]

[[Category: Cosmere]]

Latest revision as of 09:46, 22 June 2017