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The '''Cantonscantons''' are subsections of the [[Steel Ministry]], the [[Lord Ruler]]'s government. There are four canonical cantons: the Canton of Orthodoxy, the Canton[[Final ofEmpire]] Finance, the Canton of Resource, and the Canton ofon [[Steel Inquisitor|InquisitionScadrial]]. The Canton of Orthodoxy has organizational dominance over the other three.
There are four canonical cantons: the Canton of Orthodoxy, the Canton of Finance, the Canton of Resource, and the Canton of [[Steel Inquisitor|Inquisition]].
== Canton of Orthodoxy ==
The Canton of Orthodoxy has organizational dominance over the other three cantons.
== Canton of Finance ==
== Canton of Resource ==
== Canton of Inquisition ==
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The Canton of Inquisition is tasked with the organisation of [[Steel Inquisitors]], and acts as law enforcement, especially over the magical elements of society.
[[Category:Mistborn]][[Category:Religion and Culture]][[Category:Steel Ministry]]