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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
|In fact, something occurs to me right now. I might have need of you, Bordin.
|[[Dalinar]] hatching a plan to reveal [[Amaram]]{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
'''Bordin''' is a darkeyed footman in the employ of [[Dalinar Kholin]].
== Appearance and Personality ==
HeBordin is a young darkeyed [[Alethi]] man, with short dark hair and prominent eyebrows.{{book ref|sa2|64}}
[[Shallan]] considered the information [[Mraize]] gave her to indicate that Bordin wasis one of [[Dalinar]]'s most trusted footmen.,{{book ref|sa2|63}} and Dalinar uses him to trick [[Amaram]] into revealing his more sinister ways.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}{{cite76}}
[[Wit]] insults his intelligence some.{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
== History ==
HeBordin accompaniesaccompanied a madman, actually the herald [[Taln]], from [[Kholinar]] to the [[Shattered Plains]], and hasspent some of the trip in the company of [[Wit]].{{book ref|sa2|i|7}}
On Dalinar's orders, he went drinking with some of Amaram's guards and sowed rumors of treasure that the madman claimed he had hidden in the area. After hiding Taln's [[Shardblade]] in a nearby cavern, he waited to see what Amaram would do.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
He accompanies [[Amaram]] to visit the cell in [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s temple where Taln is being housed.{{book ref|sa2|64}}
Later he accompanied Amaram to the cell in Dalinar's temple where Taln was being housed, reinforcing the rumor of a hidden cache of Blades while Amaram tried to interview Taln, and presumably then accompanied Amaram on his search for the cache. Because the [[Ghostbloods]] had gotten wind of the situation, [[Mraize]] sent [[Shallan]] to infiltrate the cell, and she happened to be there at the time when Bordin and Amaram arrived.{{book ref|sa2|64}}
Bordin's report on the matter was trusted enough by Dalinar to precipitate Dalinar's confronting Amaram on the matter and stripping him of the position as head of the [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa2|76}}
== Notes ==
<references /><!-- sa2 63, 64, 75, i7 -->