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Blushweaver is considered the epitome of beauty. She has glossy black hair, pale skin and a lusciously curvaceous body. {{book ref|warbreaker|7}} It is suggested that all the Returned look like a kind of perfection. Though Mercystar was built heavily and Blushweaver thin both were considered to have a godly beauty. {{book ref|warbreaker|23}} Vasher later confirms that the returned look the way they believe they should look. Blushweaver therefore looks like what she percieves of the ultimate in honest beauty. {{book ref|warbreaker|ep}}
Like most Returned Blushweaver has become decadent due to the nature of the Court of Gods. A group of servants follow her wherever she goes meeting her every whim and this has made her somewhat lazy and capricious. However despite this she is determined to improve the fate of Hallandren and takes her role as a god seriously enough to expend great effort to control the Hallandren military in order to preserve Hallandren.{{book ref|warbreaker|7}} {{book ref|warbreaker|17}} She directly urges Lightsong to action. When he suggests they just allow the universe to take its course she tells him to "Fight it!" {{book ref|warbreaker|14}} This shows that she is not as lost as some of the other gods to boredom and indolence.
She directly urges Lightsong to action.{{book ref|warbreaker|16}}{{book ref|warbreaker|23}} When he suggests they just allow the universe to take its course she tells him to "Fight it!" {{book ref|warbreaker|14}} This shows that she is not as lost as some of the other gods to boredom and indolence.
== Abilities ==
