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m (Created page with ';2005 : {{bref|elantris}} ;2006 : {{bref|mb1}} ;2007 : {{bref|alcatraz1}} : {{bref|mb2}} ;2008 : {{bref|alcatraz2}} : {{bref|mb3}} : {{bref|firstborn}} : {{bref|elysium}} ;2009 :…')
This page lists Brandon's books by year of publication
== Published books ==
: {{bref|elantris}}
: Elantris 2 (aniversary of [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]])
== Forthcoming or unpublished books ==
: Stormlight 2
: {{bref|nightblood}} ({{bref|wb}} sequel)
: Alcatraz 5
: {{bref|dragonsteel}} 1-7 (only after [[Stormlight Archive]] is done)
: [[White Sand]]
;Unpublished{{ref|?|772|65|Bibliography posted in 2008 on TWG}}{{ref|?|545||Future books posted on blog in 2010}}
: Steelheart
: The King’sKing's Necromancer
: ? Star's End
: ? book with necromancer pizza deliveryman
:: Lord Mastrell - a sequel to White Sand prime
: {{bref|dragonsteel}} 1-7 (only after [[Stormlight Archive]] is done)
: Knights Life - a fantasy comedy
: The Sixth Incarnation of Pandora - a far future scifi involving immortal warriors
: Mythwalker
: Aether of Night
: Dark One
: untitled Aether project - 2 chapters
: Zeek Harbringer, Destroyer of Worlds - Middle grade scifi, maybe an Alcatraz follow up, unwritten
: Dragonsteel: The Lightweaver of Rens
== Notes ==