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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Highprince Bethab''' is a highprince of [[Alethkar]] on [[Roshar]]. His [[Bethab princedom|princedom]] is in the southwestern corner of Alethkar.{{map ref|Alethkar}}
==Appearance and Personality==
He prefers to use mercenary companies for the bulk of his army.{{book ref|sa2|67}} [[Jasnah]] considered him to be a dullard.{{book ref|sa2|24}} He seems to let his wife handle most important matters, rather than dealing with them himself.{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{book ref|sa3|104}}
Little is known of Bethab's appearance, other than the fact that he is [[lighteyes|lighteyed]]. His house colors are unknown.{{wob ref|10274}}
[[Jasnah]] considers him to be a dullard.{{book ref|sa2|24}} In fact, one of his smartest moves was marrying [[Mishinah Bethab|Mishinah]] for her political acumen. He lets his wife handle most important matters, rather than dealing with them himself.{{book ref|sa1|28}}{{book ref|sa3|104}} Bethab and Mishinah have a somewhat devious streak, as they have tried on several occasions to sneak language into contracts with the king that would give them favored claim in a succession. However, they know better than to try any trickery when [[Navani]] is around.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
==Attributes and Abilities==
Although his princedom contains the sizable city of [[Karanak]] and appears to have an advantageous location where the [[Deathbend River]] empties into [[Mevan Bay]], Bethab was not considered a major political player among the highprinces during the [[War of Reckoning]]. He is not well-respected, even among his own army, because he usually sends his wife to represent him at important meetings and functions.{{book ref|sa3|104}}
Bethab does not maintain a well-organized army, instead preferring to use mercenaries. He shows little regard for the mercenaries, and often leaves the battlefield as soon as a [[gemheart]] is captured, making no effort to lead his army back to the warcamps.{{book ref|sa2|67}} He owns a large number of [[chull]]s.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
== History ==
===Shattered Plains===
Bethab coveted the throne and tried at some point to get king [[Elhokar]] to sign a contract that would give him a favored claim in a succession.{{book ref|sa1|15}} He is married to [[Mishinah Bethab|Mishinah]], who he married for her political acumen.{{book ref|sa3|104}} When [[Dalinar]] wanted to ally with a highprince for a joint plateau assault during the [[War of Reckoning]], Bethab turned him down by letting his wife give the refusal.{{book ref|sa1|28}} His army subsequently joins [[Dalinar]]'s on a successful plateau run later on.{{book ref|sa2|46}}
Like the other highprinces, Bethab lived in his warcamp on the [[Shattered Plains]] during the [[War of Reckoning]]. His warcamp was located to the east of the palace, between [[Hatham]] and [[Sebarial]]'s camps.{{map ref|warcamps|Alethi warcamps}}
House Bethab was not closely aligned with [[House Kholin]], although they were more uncooperative than openly antagonistic. When [[Dalinar]] wanted to ally with a highprince for a joint plateau assault, Bethab unsurprisingly turned him down by letting his wife give the refusal.{{book ref|sa1|28}} He later relented and joined Dalinar on at least one successful plateau run,{{book ref|sa2|46}} and also participated in a joint run with [[Thanadal]].{{book ref|sa2|67}}
He attended the feast at the [[Pinnacle]] after [[Dalinar's visions]] became public knowledge.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
Bethab moved to the tower city of [[Urithiru]] after the [[Battle of Narak]]. Bethab appreciated Dalinar's leadership and eventually allied with House Kholin, although he continued to let his wife handle most matters.{{book ref|sa3|104}}
When Dalinar gatheredBy the highprinces attime [[UrithiruJasnah]], Bethab once again let his wife handle most matters.{{book ref|sa3|104}} When Jasnah became Queen of Alethkar, Bethab fellhad fallen into line with most of the other highprinces.{{book ref|sa4|27}} He and Mishinah went to [[Thaylen City]] to serve as ambassadors there. Bethab proved useful, though not as much as his wife.{{book ref|sa4|50}}
== Notes ==