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269 bytes added ,  3 years ago
(Rewording of history - there were a number of confusing sentences that didn't quite make sense unless you went through and read the associated wob. Also adding a note about the cerrobend cite, though I'm not up to trying to find it currently.)
(9 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
{{icon|bendalloy|m|150px|thumb|right|The Allomantic symbol for bendalloy}}
|allomancy=Speed up time
|type-a=External, Pushing, Temporal
|feruchemy=Store nutrition and calories
|hemalurgy=Steal Spiritual Feruchemical powers
'''Bendalloy''' is the External Temporal Pushing metal. An Allomancer burning bendalloy is able to squeeze time in a bubble around them, making it pass more quickly. Feruchemists can use bendalloy to store nutritional energy, and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, bendalloy steals Spiritual Feruchemical powers. It is an alloy of [[cadmium]] and bismuth.{{book ref|aol|10}}
When a bendalloy bubble and a [[cadmium]] bubble occur in the same place, their effects cancel out resulting in no change whilst still burning the metals used.{{book ref|aol|2}}{{book ref|mb4|12}} The time bubble created by a Slider is approximately five feet across and is smaller than that possible while burning cadmium. Careful examination may reveal the edge of the bubble, where air appears to shimmer.
When a time bubble is created, the area of the bubble stays stationary with respect to a moving object as long as the Slider creating it is stationed on an object large enough. For example, someone standing on a planet, which is quite massive, is still actually moving with the rotation of the planet, and the bubble moves with that person, but the bubble itself stays in the same place with respect to the planet. However, if the Slider who created a time bubble is on a small, moving object (or the person merely walks to the edge of the bubble), the Slider will be transported through the bubble, "popping" it.{{book ref|mb6|17}} Objects entering or exiting the bubble are thrown wildly off-course, most likely because different parts of the object are moving at different speeds during the transition.{{book ref|mb4|2}} When leaving the bubble, time bubbles interfere with almost all forms of [[Investiture]].{{wob ref|78}} However, they do not interfere with emotional allomancy.{{wob ref|3200}} When multiple bubbles occur in the same space their effects are multiplied.{{wob ref|10009}}
If a Slider flares bendalloy when forming a time bubble, time inside the bubble is sped up even more. The size and speed of the bubble is pretty much determined when it's first formed.{{wob ref|117}} Bendalloy is involved in multiple ways with faster-than-light travel.{{wob ref|12107}}
A speed bubble can be popped by [[aluminum]].{{wob ref|4297}}
=== Savantism ===
== Feruchemical Use ==
{{icon|bendalloy|f|150px|thumb|right|The Feruchemical symbol for bendalloy}}
A bendalloy [[Ferring]] is known as a '''Subsumer'''. Bendalloy is used to store nutrition and calories. While filling a bendalloymind, a Subsumer is able to eat large quantities of food without becoming full. Tapping such a metalmind will allow the user to go without food. A separate bendalloymind can be used to store fluid intake.{{book ref|aol|part=ars}}
== History ==
Bendalloy was unknown of during the [[Final Empire]], even bythough the [[Lord Ruler]] possibly knew of its existence{{wob ref|5493}}. Although [[Allomancy|AllomancerAllomancers]] of both bendalloy and [[cadmium]] existed,{{wob ref|1352}} these [[Misting]]s were not targeted by the mists when they began to Snap humans, due to their unknown nature and the inability of [[Scadrial]]'s society to produce them. Instead, [[Preservation]] substituted the two metals with [[atium]] and [[malatium]], so as to retain the number sixteen as a signal to his followers, and spur the expenditure of [[Ruin]]'s god metal.{{wob ref|5971}} After the [[catacendre]], [[Harmony]] restored bendalloy and cadmium to their place among the sixteen metals. With advancements of metallurgy and technology, these two metals were discovered to be Allomantically viable, leading to the discovery of bendalloy and cadmium Mistings.
== Trivia ==
<references />
{{Mistborn|metals|sub-box cats=}}


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