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Battar is a [[Cognitive Shadow]] who gains a [[Physical Realm|physical]] body upon each return to Roshar. She does not age; so long as she isn't violently killed, she could theoretically live forever.{{book ref|sa3|119}} After death, she either travels or is transported to [[Braize]], which she can return from, though at the cost of kickstarting a Desolation.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
During the [[Heraldic Epochs]], she wielded an [[Honorblade]]. It granted her access to [[Surgebinding]] -- more specifically, the [[Surge]]s of [[Transformation]], which enables her to [[Soulcast]], and [[Transportation]], which allows for travel to and from [[Shadesmar]].{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}} She has, however, abandoned it at the [[Aharietiam]];{{book ref|sa1|part=prelude}} what other abilities beyond longetivylongevity she now has in uncertain.
She seems to be fairly knowledgable, being ascribed the attribute of Wise, and noticing signs of an upcoming Desolation years before the [[Battle of Narak]].{{book ref|sa1|part=ars}}{{book ref|sa3|121}}