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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Azir''' is a kingdom in south-west [[Roshar]].{{map ref|Roshar}} Its capital is [[Azimir]],{{map ref|Roshar}} and people who are from Azir are called Azish. Kaladin is not sure what the language of the Azish peoples is.{{book ref|sa1|40}} The language was later revealed to be Azish.
== Geography and Ecology ==
During the [[Silver Kingdoms]] era, it was part of [[Makabakam]]{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}, the largest of the Silver Kingdoms. Azir is the largest such nation that was formerly Makabakam, and Azir bordersbordered [[Yulay]], [[Desh]], [[Yezier]], [[Emul]] and [[TashikkEmul]].{{map ref|Roshar}}
Azir is suggested to be warmer than [[Alethkar]], but cooler than [[Iri]].{{book ref|sa1|i|5}} It was even known as far as Azir that if you were sick, King [[Taravangian]] of [[Kharbranth]] would take you in.{{book ref|sa1|71}}
The AzishAzir have a legend about [[truthberry]] jam, a preserve made from an Azish fruit, which says that those who consume the berries speak only the truth until the next sunset. The berries themselves are harmless, but the leaves and stalks of truthberry plants can be burned, which makes people intoxicated and euphoric. [[Shallan Davar]] remarks to [[Kabsal]] that they should be called birthberries due to the fact of intoxication.{{book ref|sa1|42}}
; Places
Azir is known to have very few [[Soulcasting]] [[Fabrial]]s, the most famous of which has the ability to Soulcast bronze.{{book ref|sa3|65}} Many buildings in Azimir have bronze domes. The palace of the emperor even has decorative soulcast bronze trees.{{book ref|sa2|I|9}}
The capital, Azimir, has an [[Oathgate]] in the Grand Market, whichthat was reopened by [[Lift]] during [[Dalinar Kholin]]'s visit to Azir.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
The Azish pride themselves on their method of electing new Primes, as it avoids succession wars. They believe that they are never without a Prime. When a Prime dies, the election of a new Prime is considered as a search for the person who is, and always has been, Prime. Any person, except for scions, can apply to be Prime Aqasix. The process requires many forms and essays, which are reviewed by viziers. The new Prime is often chosen from the viziers as they typically have the most convincing applications.{{book ref|sa2|I|9}} The Prime Aqasix wears a traditional hat with sweeping sides called the [[Yuanazixin|Imperial Yuanazixin]].{{book ref|sa3|116}}
The Prime is considered to belong to the public. Citizens can enter a lottery to watch the Prime sleep, eat, and perform other daily tasks. They can also collect and keep relics from the Prime, such as a nail clipping or aof strand of hair.{{book ref|sa2|I|9}}
When the Prime issues a mandate to the public, citizens have one month to make their grievances known before being forced to comply. These grievances are often displayed as logical arguments and protests.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
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