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(Added some more info to the Atium-Electrum alloy Trivia)
Atium is notable as it is the condensed power of the [[Shard]] [[Ruin]]. As a result, an Allomancer burning atium does not draw on [[Preservation]]'s power; instead, the [[Investiture]] of the metal provides the power.{{wob ref|8028}} It was sequestered away at the Pits of Hathsin by [[Preservation]] when the latter gave up his mind to trap Ruin; to regain the power contained in the atium, Ruin would have needed to manifest in some way.{{wob ref|14839}}
Presumably, the name "atium" is inherited from [[Ati]], the name of the original holder of the Shard Ruin, just as the name "[[lerasium]]" is inherited from [[Leras]], the original holder of the Shard Preservation. Atium cannot be combined with lerasium to make [[ettmetal]], nor can ettmetal be broken down into atium and lerasium. While it would not be possible to get atium and lerasium from ettmetal through distillation or other mundane methods, it may beis possible through some other methodmethods.{{wob ref|12145}}{{book ref|mb7|71}}
== Allomantic Use ==
=== Atium Mining ===
During the time of the [[Final Empire]], atium could only be mined at the [[Pits of Hathsin]], run by the nobles of [[House Venture]]. Several days before the fall of the Final Empire, because of [[Kelsier]]'s second visit to the Pits, the atium mine is destroyed.
=== Post-Catacendre ===
[[Waxillium_Ladrian|Wax]] was later able to split [[ettmetal]] using [[trellium]] to create more atium.{{book ref|mb7|71}}
== Trivia ==
* Atium was modeled after platinum, and would be considered a [[wikipedia:platinum group|platinum group]] metal.{{wob ref|10577}}
* Brandon has stated that, since writing ''Mistborn'' Era 1, he has wished he made atium usable by all Allomancers as it "feels off" that a God Metal is only usable by Mistborn (and Seers). If a ''Mistborn'' film is ever made, he would likely want to make this change in the movie.{{wob ref|13821}} On other occasions, he has also indicated interest in some day exploring why atium is limited in this way{{wob ref|416}}{{wob ref|6322}}{{wob ref|13225}} and that the atium present in Era 1 is an atium-electrum alloy.{{wob ref|15299}} This is perhaps supported by the fact that hemalurgicallyHemalurgically, Atium must be purified.{{file ref|Hemalurgy table.jpg|Hemalurgy Table}}. Furthermore, the Allomancy chart states it gives an "Expanded view of the future",{{file ref|File:Table of Allomantic Metals.jpeg|Allomancy Table}}, and has been shown before.{{cite}}{{wob ref|15110}} AlsoThe inchart also states that alloys with Atium give "expanded mental and temporal effects", seeing the future of other individuals may be an example of this.{{file ref|File:Table of Allomantic Metals.jpeg|Allomancy Table}}
* Atium is a byproduct of the reaction between Trellium and Harmonium.
== Notes ==
