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|feruchemy=Store age
|hemalurgy=Steal any power
|type=[[God Metal]] ([[Ruin]])
'''Atium''' is a god[[God metalMetal]]. An Allomancer burning atium is able to see into the future by a few seconds. Feruchemists can use atium to store youthfulness, and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, atium steals any property or power. The metal is a reflective, silvery color, so much so that beads of atium almost appear to be drops of liquid.{{book ref|mb1|13}}
Atium is notable as it is the condensed power of the [[Shard]] [[Ruin]]. As a result, an Allomancer burning atium does not draw on [[Preservation]]'s power; instead, the [[Investiture]] of the metal provides the power.{{wob ref|8028}} It was sequestered away at the Pits of Hathsin by [[Preservation]] when the latter gave up his mind to trap Ruin.
*Atium was modeled after platinum, and would be considered a [https[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platinum_group |platinum group]] metal.{{wob ref|10577}}
== Notes ==
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