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'''Amuna''' is an [[honorspren]] from [[Lasting Integrity]] onin the [[Roshar]]an [[subastral]], [[Shadesmar]]. She is responsible for caring for the [[deadeye]]s in Lasting Integrity.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Amuna is thin, limber, and willowy. She walks gracefully and manifests her clothing as a stiff shirt and a pleated skirt like a warrior would wear.{{book ref|sa4|87}}{{book ref|sa4|90}}
She is very loyal to the group of deadeyes as a whole, but not to each one individually; during [[Adolin]]'s trial, she clearly prioritizes defeating the threat that she believes [[Adolin]]is posed by the poseshumans over [[Mayalaran]]'s comfort during Adolin's trial. However, she is sincere in caring for the deadeyes that can fit in the fortress and wishes they could care for more.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
== History ==
Amuna was born sometime after the [[Recreance]]. At some point she took up residence at [[Lasting Integrity]] and was given oversight of the care of the [[deadeye]]s. In {{Rosharan date|1175}} when the [[coalition of monarchs]] sent an emissary to the honorspren capital, Amuna took Maya from Adolin when they entered the fortress. She was present during some of Adolin's daily visits to the deadeyeMaya and was presumably was busy giving [[Stormlight]] and other care to other deadeyes in the intervening time.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
During Adolin's trial, Amuna personally testified against him on the opening day. She explained the devastating catastrophe that the Recreance had been to the honorspren population and discussed the possible ramifications of the current bonds, especially that of [[Dalinar]] and the [[Stormfather]], being broken. She made an emotion-basedemotional plea not to send any more spren to suffer the fate of the deadeyes, her point reinforced by the presence of two of them sitting silently beside her.{{book ref|sa4|87}}
TheOn the second day of the trial, Adolin attempted to makemount a defense but was interrupted by a coordinated attack among the audience; Amuna, obviously privy to the plan, brought [[Testament]] into the forum. She used Testament's very existence to prove that humans had not changed since the Recreance and still posed a great danger to the spren that they bonded.{{book ref|sa4|90}} When the final witness against Adolin was revealed on the third and last day of the trial, Amuna led [[Mayalaran]] down to the podium. As [[Sekeir]]'s attempts to discredit Adolin and the humans proved too much for Maya to bear, Amuna stepped forward and took one of her arms to keep her in place. After Maya finally was able to express that breaking the [[Knights Radiant|Radiant]] bond had been hera choicemutual toodecision, Amuna was too stunned to stop Adolin from brushing her aside to reach Maya.{{book ref|sa4|94}}
== Notes ==