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'''Aluminum''' is the internal enhancement pulling metal. An Allomancer burning aluminum will make all of his metal reserves vanish.{{book ref|mb2|5}} Feruchemists can use aluminum to store identity, and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, aluminum steals enhancement Allomancy. It is known as '''Ralkalest''' in the [[Rose Empire]] on [[Sel]].{{17s ref|post|340602|text=(...) Ralkalest is definitely aluminum (...)|date=Oct 13th 2015}}
Aluminum metal (and some of its alloys) are "Allomantically inert" - they cannot be Pushed or Pulled, and can shield people from emotional Allomancy.{{book ref|aol|part=ars}} Aluminum generates no [[atium|atium shadows]].{{qa ref|1076|11|The aluminum would not give an atium shadow.|date=March 6th, 2014}} and can create dead zones within [[cadmium#Allomantic use|cadmium]] and [[bendalloy#Allomantic Use|bendalloy]] bubbles, where the shielded area is not included within the time bubble.{{17s ref|post|446245|text=If you dropped a speed bubble whose border goes through an aluminum tube, is the inside of the tube affected by the time distortion?|date=2016-05-28}} It also interferes with [[Gold#Feruchemical Use|Feruchemical healing]], by making it impossible for wounds to heal around the aluminium until it is removed from the body. There is a similar effect on [[Pewter#Allomantic Use|pewter Allomancy]].{{qa ref|1049|3|the wound would not be able to heal around the aluminum, but once the aluminum came out, and was gone from the system, they would be okay.|date=March 1st, 2014}}
Aluminum has been confirmed to have strange effects to all magic systems, is magically inert, and will act as an [[Investiture]] sink.{{qa ref|1052|79|Aluminum has some weird properties on all of the magic systems, not just Allomancy|date=Mar 21st, 2014}}{{17s ref|post|340620|text=Aluminum is apparently magically inert and it can also act as a sink for Investiture.|date=Oct 13th 2015}}