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The Alethi have a long history of monarchies rising and falling, with few families able to retain authority for any significant period of time.
The first figure to unify Alethkar after the fall of Alethela was Sadees the Sunmaker in c.{{rosharan date|673}}, although his rule quickly collapsed after his death as Alethi territory was split between his ten sons, leading to another interregnum due to a proper heir not being selected before his passing.{{cite}} This interregnum lasted until Gavilar Kholin led a war of unification, once again bringing Alethkar under a single ruler by the year {{rosharan date|1145}}.{{citebook ref|sa3|26}}
While the king has power over the Highprinces, highprinces still retain a high degree of autonomy within their own princedoms, to the extent that they essentially function as their own sovereign nations. Therefore, the king is not an autocratic source of authority.
