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Alethkar lies in eastern [[Roshar]], stretching across the entire continent, from the [[Steamwater Ocean]] in the North to the [[Tarat Sea]] in the South-West. To the East, it leans on the [[Unclaimed Hills]], while to the South, it reaches the nationless [[Frostlands]] and the [[Shattered Plains]], the latter of which it has recently claimed for itself. In the West, Alethkar has a long and long-disputed border with [[Jah Keved]], which currently follows two rivers and the bend of the [[Sunmaker Mountains]]. In North-West, Alethkar borders [[Herdaz]] across a stretch of land decided through a few years of border wars.{{map ref|Roshar}}{{book ref|sa3|52}}
It has an area around 7,134,000 km<sup>2</sup>.{{17s ref|blog|634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas|text=Roshar Physical Characteristics And Areas|date=2018-08-30|name=RosharAreas}} In comparison to real-world nations, it is a little smaller than the total area of Australia.
Besides the mainland, the Alethi have a number of territories off the coast. On the [[Steamwater Ocean]], Alethkar has [[Akak]] and a number of surrounding islands, giving it complete control over the [[Bay of Elibath]]. On the [[Tarat Sea]] - more specifically, a region of it called [[Mevan Bay]] - it controls a number of small islands in the delta of [[Deathbend River]], near the city of [[Karanak]].{{map ref|Alethkar}}<sup>2</sup>
