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2,191 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Added details through WoR ch 80, including quotes
(WoR history through ch 56, added subsections (that will probably change as I progress))
(Added details through WoR ch 80, including quotes)
|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Aladar''' is a [[highprince]] of [[Alethkar]] on [[Roshar]]. His colors are white and dark green and he commands one of the largest armies on the [[Shattered Plains]].{{book ref|sa2|76}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Aladar is short, slender, and dark skinned; he is also bald, though he grows a thin mustache and a tuft of hair below the lip.{{book ref|sa2|8}} He is a skilled duelist.{{book ref|sa2|38}} He owns a full set of [[Shardplate]] and [[Shardblade]], but they are normally lent to Highlord [[Mintez]] for battles and duels.{{book ref|sa2|81}} He prefers not to fight at the head of his army, instead leading tactically from a command tent.{{book ref|sa2|8}} He likes games of chance, and [[Jasnah]] considers him a good politician.{{book ref|sa2|24}}
|I suspect [the other highprinces] are better at lying to themselves than I am.
|Aladar to [[Dalinar]]{{book ref|sa2|76}}
Aladar is short, slender, and dark skinned with a long neck; he is also bald, though he grows a thin mustache and a tuft of hair below the lip.{{book ref|sa2|8}}{{book ref|sa2|67}} He is a skilled duelist.{{book ref|sa2|38}} He owns a full set of [[Shardplate]] and [[Shardblade]], but they are normally lent to Highlord [[Mintez]] for battles and duels.{{book ref|sa2|81}} He prefers not to fight at the head of his army, instead leading tactically from a command tent.{{book ref|sa2|8}} He likes games of chance, and [[Jasnah]] considers him a good politician.{{book ref|sa2|24}} He is an honest man at his core and will eventually act on what he knows to be right.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
== History ==
Aladar came into the position of highprince when Highprince [[Yenev]] was defeated in a duel by [[Torol Sadeas]]. After hisYenev's death, Aladar was given control of his princedom becausedue ofto his alliance with [[Gavilar]].{{book ref|sa2|55}} Later, he and Sadeas began squabblingengaging overin territory disputes.{{book ref|sa2|38}}
=== War of Reckoning ===
Aladar was, like the other highprinces of Alethkar, present on the [[Shattered Plains]] to uphold the [[Vengeance Pact]] by fighting in the [[War of Reckoning]] against the [[Parshendi]]. His warcamp lay between those of Torol Sadeas and [[Dalinar Kholin]]. Around the time that [[Kaladin]] arrived on the [[Shattered Plains]], Highprince Aladar began talking of taking a short vacation back to Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|18}} WhenAs Dalinar started approaching the other highprinces, seeking an alliance in the interest of taking a stronger force against the Parshendi, Aladar refused him.{{book ref|sa1|26}}
Like most of the highprinces, Aladar used armored troops to carry bridges on the Plains; however, as Sadeas had more and more success with using [[bridgemen]] as easy targets, Aladar and the others began copying his methods. He did not generally participate personally in the skirmishes, instead directing them from a separate command tent. After the new rules concerning the war on the Shattered Plains, Aladar went on plateau runs as commanded and reluctantly followed some tactical advice given to him by Dalinar. Despite this, Aladar refused Dalinar's offer of alliance again in the interest of keeping the favor of the other highprinces.{{book ref|sa2|8}} He instead allied with Sadeas, albeit resignedly,{{book ref|sa2|29}} and later went on plateau runs he was not scheduled for.
|Damnation. I '''hate''' that you’re so good at this.
|Aladar after Dalinar's tactics worked{{book ref|sa2|8}}
Like most of the highprinces, Aladar used armored troops to carry bridges on the Plains; however, as Sadeas had more and more success with using [[bridgemen]] as easy targets, Aladar and the others began copying his methods. He did not generally participate personally in the skirmishes, instead directing them from a separate command tent. After the new rules concerning theplateau warassaults onand thegemheart distribution Shatteredtook Plainseffect, Aladar went on plateau runs as commanded and reluctantly followed some tactical advice given to him by Dalinar. Despite this, Aladar refused Dalinar's offer of alliance again in the interest of keeping the favor of the other highprinces.{{book ref|sa2|8}} Heand instead allied with Sadeas, albeit resignedly,.{{book ref|sa2|29}} and later went on plateau runs he was not scheduled for.
He was present during the meeting of the highprinces after [[Szeth]]'s first assassination attempt on Dalinar when [[Shallan]] finally made it to the Shattered Plains. His partnership with Sadeas at the meeting highlighted the stark division among the highprinces: Sadeas, Aladar, and [[Ruthar]] against Dalinar and [[Elhokar]]. Aladar voiced a worry that the Assassin in White would be back at the beginning of the meetingconference. He spoke up again later when [[Vamah]] pointed out Shallan's presence and then smiled at her quip about [[Sebarial]]. As the meeting continued, Aladar complained about Elhokar seizing all the [[gemheart]]s until Dalinar cut him off by quoting a passage from [[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]].{{book ref|sa2|38}} Dalinar finished the meeting with a pronouncement that he would shortly be winning Shards from all of the other highprinces, a threat that was first realized for Aladar when [[Adolin]] defeated [[Relis]], [[Elit]], [[Jakamav]], and [[Abrobadar]] in the same duel; Abrobadar was a Shardbearer in Aladar's army.{{book ref|sa2|56}}
Sadeas, spiteful that Dalinar was making headway with his plans to rein in the highprinces, released annotated copies of [[Dalinar's visions]] at a later date during one of Elhokar's [[Feasting basin|feasts]]. Though Aladar had previously been one of Dalinar's most forcefully outspoken opponents,{{book ref|sa2|76}} he appeared hesitant during one confrontation with Dalinar, almost as if he were going to say something before deciding not to.{{book ref|sa2|67}}
=== Battle of Narak ===
When Dalinar set out to defeat the Parshendi once and for all, Aladar surprisingly joined him as an ally. During the [[Battle of Narak]], Aladar managed to defeat the Parshendi on a plateau. He survived the battle, and took refuge in [[Urithiru]] together with the other survivors.
|I came for myself, not Sadeas. I won’t betray you. Even if Alethkar can’t ever be what you want, we '''can''' at least crush the Parshendi and avenge old Gavilar. It’s just the right thing to do.
|Aladar assuring Dalinar of his sincerity{{book ref|sa2|76}}
Dalinar finalized his plans to take the war to the Parshendi, marching on [[Stormseat]] with the intention of ending the war and discovering [[Urithiru]]. He called for the other highprinces to join him and was astonished to see Aladar arrive as well as Sebarial and [[Roion]]. Aladar confessed to Dalinar that although he didn't share Dalinar's idealistic vision of a unified Alethkar, he realized that he at least wanted it to be possible. He had finally seen through Sadeas' front to the scheming man he really was and was troubled to recognize that Sadeas wanted to control all of his supposed allies. Dalinar, relieved, agreed to place a measure of trust in him and outlined his plan for the expedition.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
On the way towards Narak, Aladar conferred with Roion, [[Renarin]], and [[General Khal]] to finalize tactics for the assault while Dalinar interrogated [[Rlain]].{{book ref|sa2|79}} They continued their plans over the next days, deciding to push all the way to the center of the Shattered Plains to threaten the very homes of the Parshendi.{{book ref|sa2|80}} During the [[Battle of Narak]], Aladar managed to defeat the Parshendi on a plateau. He survived the battle and took refuge in [[Urithiru]] together with the other survivors.
During his time in Urithiru, Aladar was appointed [[Highprince of Information]] and tasked with policing the city.{{book ref|sa3|2}} He was also present during the first attempts by Dalinar to unify [[Roshar]] against the [[voidbringers]].{{book ref|sa3|12}}
== Notes ==
<references /><!-- sa1: 26, 58, sa2 5, 8, 24, 29, 36, 38, 53, 55, 56, 67, 76, 79-89 -->
sa2: 5, 8, 24, 29, 36, 38, 53, 55, 56, 67, 76, 79-87, 89 -->