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m (ref)
It follows a character named Raeth as he pretends to be his identical twin, taking over the throne of the Imperium and attempting to lead his people to victory against a foe they don't understand and have little hope of defeating.
Elements have been incorporated into later works such as "Decay" becoming the [[Shard]] [[Ruin]] in the [[Mistborn series]].{{17s ref|784|post|16843}}
Although ''Aether of Night'' is unlikely to ever be published, Brandon will send a copy to people who request it via email, provided that they agree to not share it or discuss it on public forums.
== Notes ==
{{17s ref|784|post|16843|Peter discussing Aether of Night|date=2011-10-11}}
{{twg ref|6655|129376|Old Bibliography|date=2008-10-20}}