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Bone spores are a rumored thirteenth variety of aether spores on Lumar. The stories are unclear whether they are black, or white in coloration, or potentially both. Some consider bone spores to be a fanciful legend.{{book ref|tress|23}}
=== Dark Aetheraether ===
The dark aether is some sort of threat present on the homeworld of the primal aethers. It may have made the planet inhospitable for roseite aetherbound or any aetherbound.{{book ref|mb7|47}} It may be related to the forces present in the aetherbound Prasanva's homeland and some sort of extermination.{{book ref|mb7|42}} Prasanva has gone offworld in search of other allies to bring back to help fight this dark aether.{{book ref|mb7|47}}