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When an aether is manifested in the Physical Realm, it can only persist if it is present in certain fields of Investiture. If these fields are not present, the aether will be dependent on physical contact with the aetherbound’s body to sustain itself. Without that contact, the aether will degrade and eventually vanish. More localized external sources of Investiture can also be set up for the aether to feed upon instead, which will allow the aether to persist without physical contact with an aetherbound.{{book ref|mb7|42}} Rather than relying on water for fuel, pure Investiture can be substituted for water, allowing an aetherbound to perform more dramatic feats than would be normally possible.{{book ref|mb7|51}} They are also always in contact with the primal aether that granted them their bud.{{book ref|mb7|47}} The primal aethers are able to speak into the minds of their aetherbound, offering wisdom, encouragement, and knowledge.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|1}} Additionally, the primal aether may be able to perceive areas where their aether is present. For instance a roseite aetherbound might grow their aether over a wall and the primal aether could describe to them what is present on the other side.{{book ref|mb7|44}}{{book ref|mb7|47}}
Little is known about the abilities of non-roseite aetherbound. There are twelve types of primal aether, and presumably twelve corresponding varieties of aetherbound.{{book ref|mb7|51}} One must be an aetherbound canto produce new aether, so physical pieces of aether are not particularly useful to anyone else.{{wob ref|9288}} Even cosmere scholars such as those in [[Silverlight]] do not yet understand how to control them.{{book ref|sa4|part=ars}}
== Varieties of Aether ==
The roseite aether manifests as pink-red crystals, similar to rose quartz. Generally the crystals have smooth surfaces that are occasionally marred by small pits.{{book ref|mb7|39}} Aetherbound that are bonded to Silijana, the source of the roseite aether possess a bud that replaces a portion of the skin and muscle on the palm of their hand with roseite, leaving the bones of their hand visible underneath the roseite.{{book ref|mb7|42}} When roseite aether is no longer being maintained by an aetherbound, it collapses into a fine rose-colored dust or powder,{{book ref|mb7|39}}{{book ref|mb7|47}} which eventually sublimates to a rose-colored mist.{{book ref|mb7|44}} Aetherbound that are able to control roseite have fine control over a number of its attributes, including its general coloration and clarity.{{book ref|mb7|39}}{{book ref|mb7|47}} They have not been shown to be able to make roseite of any color, but they can control the shade of the roseite, choosing whether it appears more red or pink{{book ref|mb7|39}} and whether it is transparent or opaque.
Roseite is a useful material for a number of purposes. Roseite is a strong material, resistant to gunfire, although bullets will chip the roseite when they impact it.{{book ref|mb7|51}} It is useful to create items or tools that rely on the strength or structure provided by the crystal. Simple tools like creating a fountain pen nib on the aetherbound's index finger, a small knife, a pointer, or a water glass can easier be created,{{book ref|mb7|39}} as well as weapons like a mace{{book ref|mb7|51}} and other small structures such as chairs{{book ref|mb7|39}} and ladders.{{book ref|mb7|45}} As with all aethers, its maximum potential utility is directly related to the creativity, skill, and understanding of the person manifesting the roseite.{{book ref|mb7|42}} A knowledgeable person can turn a map into a model of a city made of roseite,{{book ref|mb7|39}} or create a functional roseite gun if they can visualize the mechanisms.{{book ref|mb7|42}} Elderly aetherbound or those who have difficulty standing can use the aether to help with their stability, growing lines of aether along the edges of their joints and limbs for support. Roseite can also be grown to form a useful pair of spectacles, including with larger external magnifying lenses.{{book ref|mb7|39}} Advanced uses of roseite include as a juggernaut, a large exoskeleton of roseite that protects the aetherbound within the body and is incredibly difficult to bring down, even with gunfire. The body of the juggernaut is still comprised of firm crystal, but it is created with joints that allow it to move. Roseite can also form larger machines, such as an elevator if need be. These latter two examples may require so much aether that they need purified Investiture or some other source of power in order to be created or controlled for long.{{book ref|mb7|51}}
=== Dark Aether ===