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|It's called an aether. An ancient entity predating the creation of your world. TwinSoul can grow it, manipulate it. Would you like to know more?
|[[Wan ShaiLu|Moonlight]] to [[Marasi]]{{book ref|mb7|39}}
|Silajana demands that I warn you, you have been given this rebirth to bless, encourage, and uplift those around you. By your actions here, you prove this gift wasted. If you are destroyed today by resisting my defense of these innocents, you reject your great blessing—and may not be given rebirth again for many, many centuries. Lay down your weapons and let us pass, or suffer my wrath.
|TwinSoul[[Prasanva]] to the members of the [[Set]]{{book ref|tlm|51}}
The people of the planet with primal aethers hold it as a sacred tenet that the aethers predate Adonalsium and are independent of its creations.{{book ref|mb7|42}} Aethers are revered by these people. They believe that aethers made all people, creating them to each think differently from one another.{{book ref|mb7|epilogue|1}} They also believe humans were gifted with rebirth by the aethers to encourage, bless, and uplift their fellow people.{{book ref|mb7|51}} Those that follow the aethers also hold that people return to the aethers upon their deaths to reflect upon their choices in life.{{book ref|mb7|47}} It is believed that people who have made poor choices are cursed to wait a long time until their next rebirth. {{book ref|mb7|51}} They often swear with phrases such as "by the first aether".{{book ref|mb7|39}}
|This bud connects me to Silajana and through him to all of his other aetherbound. He is the core, and we his web. He is eternal, and we his mortal agents in the cosmere.
|[[Prasanva]] on the aetherbound{{book ref|mb7|42}}}}
Aetherbound are the Invested servants of the primal aethers. They are Connected to one of the twelve aethers and granted a bud of that aether’s core. The bud at least sometimes appears as a physical change to the body of the person that corresponds with the aether they have bonded.{{book ref|mb7|42}} Unlike other bonds like between spren and Radiant, each aetherbound is not Connected to their own individual aether.{{wob ref|15429}} Instead they are all bound to the same primal aether; for instance all roseite aetherbound have a bud from Silajana.{{book ref|mb7|42}}