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(Few more books done)
! Acknowledgements
| This one has been a long time brewing. I had the first idea for it while on book tour in . . . . oh, 2007? With a long ride like that involved in getting the book finished, a lot of people have given me feedback over the years. I hope I don't miss any of you!
Notably, thanks go out to my delightful editor, Krista Marino, for her extremely capable direction of this project. She's been a wonderful resource, and her editing was top-notch, taking this book from plucky upstart to polished product. Also, we should make note of that rascal James Dashner, who was kind enough to call her up and get me an introduction.
Others who deserve a cheer are: Michael Trudeau (who did a superb copyedit); and at Random House, Paul Samuelson, Rachel Weinick, Beverly Horowitz, Judith Haut, Dominique Cimina, and Barbara Marcus. Also, Christopher Paolini, for his feedback and help on the book.
As always, I wish to give big thanks to my agents, Joshua Bilmes, who didn't laugh too hard when I told him I had this book I wanted to write instead of working on the twenty other projects I needed to do at the time, and Eddie Schneider, whose jobs include dressing better than the rest of us and having a name I have to look up every time I want to put it in acknowledgments. On the Steelheart film front (we're trying hard), thanks go to Joel Gotler, Brian Lipson, Navid McIlhargey, and the superhuman Donald Mustard.
A big thumbs-up goes to the incandescent Peter Ahlstrom, my editorial assistant, who was part of this book's cheering section from the get-go. He was, editorially, the first one who got his hands on this project-and much of its success is due to him.
I also don't want to forget my UK/Ireland/Australia publishing team, including John Berlyne and John Parker of the Zeno Agency, and Simon Spanton and my publicist/mother-in-the-UK, Jonathan Weir of Gollancz.
Others with Epic-level powers in reading and giving feedback (or just great support) include: Dominique Nolan (Dragonsteel's official Gun-Nut super-reference man), Brian McGinley, David West, Peter (again) and Karen Ahlstrom, Benjamin Rodriguez and Danielle Olsen, Alan Layton, Kaylynn ZoBell, Dan "I Wrote Postapocalyptic Before You" Wells, Kathleen Sanderson Dorsey, Brian Hill, Brian "By Now You Owe Me Royalties, Brandon" Delambre, Jason Denzel, Kalyani Poluri, Kyle Mills, Adam Hussey, Austin Hussey, Paul Christopher, Mi'chelle Walker, and Josh Walker. You're all awesome.
Finally, as always, I wish to thank my lovely wife, Emily, and my three destructive little boys, who are constant inspiration for how an Epic might go about blowing up a city. (Or the living room.)
! People
* Danielle Olsen
* David West
* Dmoinique ChiminaCimina
* Dominique Nolan
* Donald Mustard
| colspan=2 |
=== Calamity ===
! Dedication
|<pre> For Kaylynn ZoBell
A writer, reader, critiquer, and friend,
who has spent ten years in a writing group
with a bunch of loudmouths
and still raises her hand politely to make comments,
instead of murdering us.
(Thanks for all your help over the years, Kaylynn!)
! Acknowledgements
| Writing the acknowledgments tends to be the last thing I do for a book. As I sit here, late in the night in November, I'm left reflecting on the series as a whole. Steelheart has one of the most random origin stories among my canon of fiction, conceived almost in its entirety-during a long drive on the East Coast while on tour for one of the Mistborn novels.
That was 2008. It's now 2015, seven years later, and the journey of bringing this series to you has been exceptionally satisfying. The people listed below have had no small hand in that. But I also want to take a special moment to thank all of you for following me along this crazy journey. Readers-both old and new-who took a chance on this series, you have my most sincere thanks. You give me the means to keep on dreaming.
So let the thanks roll on, my own personal team of Reckoners who make my life awesome. Krista Marino was the editor at Delacorte Press on this project, as she was on the other two books. You owe the success of these novels to her, one of the very early proponents of the series. I'd also like to thank Beverly Horowitz for her wisdom and guidance; she has been an advocate for these books at the publisher. Other people at Random House deserving my thanks are Monica Jean, Mary McCue, Kim Lauber, Rachel Weinick, Judith Haut, Dominique Cimina, and Barbara Marcus. The book's copy editor was Colleen Fellingham.
My agent Joshua Bilmes was the first one who had to sit through an excited rendition of how cool this series was going to be when I finally got around to writing it. He has been very patient. My other agent, Eddie Schneider, handled the negotiations on these books and has represented them valiantly. Also at the agency deserving of thanks are Sam Morgan, Krystyna Lopez, and Tae Keller.
I'd also like to give a shout-out to my UK agent, John Berlyne of the Zeno Agency. My UK editor on the book was Simon Spanton, an excellent individual and the first person in UK publishing to give me a chance.
My own team includes the ininsouciant Peter Ahlstrom, company VP and editorial director, who handled a lot of the continuity and proofreading on this book, as well as doing a lot of in-house editorial. As always, Isaac $tewart was here to help with art, and my executive assistant was Adam Horne. Kara Stewart deserves thanks for handling our website store (which, by the way, has lots of cool swag for sale).
My writing group on the project included Emily Sanderson, Karen & Peter Ahlstrom, Darci & Eric James Stone, Alan Layton, Kathleen Dorsey Sanderson, Kaylynn ZoBell, Ethan & Isaac Skarstedt, Kara & Isaac Stewart, and Ben Olsen, destroyer of worlds.
Special thanks go out to our on-location team in Atlanta, Jennifer & Jimmy Liang, who scoped out spots for us like superspies, and offered commentary on anything having to do with the city. Beta readers on the project were Nikki Ramsay, Mark Lindberg, Alyx Hoge, Corby Campbell, Sam Sullivan, Ted Herman, Steve Stay, Marnie Peterson, Michael Headley, Dan Swint, Aaron Ford, Aaron Biggs, Kyle Mills, Cade Shiozaki, Kyle Baugh, Justin Lemon, Amber Christenson, Karen Ahlstrom, Zoe Hatch, and Spencer White.
Our community proofreaders included many of the above, plus Bob Kluttz, Jory Phillips, Alice Arneson, Brian T. Hill, Gary Singer, Ian McNatt, Matt Hatch, and Bao Pham. And, of course, moral support was provided by Emily, Dallin, Joel, and Oliver Sanderson. The three little boys especially provided me with plenty of commentary on superheroes and how to treat them.
It has been a wild, incredible journey. Thank you again for joining me for it.
! People
| {{columns|
* Aaron Biggs
* Aaron Ford
* Adam Horne
* Alan Layton
* Alice Arneson
* Alyx Hoge
* Amber Christenson
* Bao Pham
* Barbara Marcus
* Ben Olsen (destroyer of worlds)
* Beverly Horowitz
* Bob Kluttz
* Brian T. Hill
* Cade Shiozaki
* Colleen Fellingham
* Corby Campbell
* Dallin Sanderson
* Dan Swint
* Darci Stone
* Dominique Cimina
* Eddie Schneider
* Emily Sanderson
* Eric James Stone
* Ethan Skarstedt
* Gary Singer
* Ian McNatt
* Isaac Skarstedt
* Isaac Stewart
* Jennifer Liang
* Jimmy Liang
* Joel Sanderson
* John Berlyne
* Jory Phillips
* Joshua Bilmes
* Judith Haut
* Justin Lemon
* Kara Stewart
* Karen Ahlstrom
* Kathleen Dorsey Sanderson
* Kaylynn ZoBell
* Kim Lauber
* Krista Marino
* Krystyna Lopez
* Kyle Baugh
* Kyle Mills
* Mark Lindberg
* Marnie Peterson
* Mary McCue
* Matt Hatch
* Michael Headley
* Monica Jean
* Nikki Ramsay
* Oliver Sanderson
* Peter Ahlstrom (ininsouciant)
* Rachel Weinick
* Sam Morgan
* Sam Sullivan
* Simon Spanton
* Spencer White
* Steve Stay
* Tae Keller
* Ted Herman
* Zoe Hatch