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Renarin was with Dalinar during many of his visions that he experienced during the highstorms. After Navani used the visions to translate the [[Dawnchant]] she wanted to share the visions with the other scholars, but Dalinar was hesitant, saying that the visions were too close to seeing the future, which was forbidden. Renarin told Dalinar this was not a problem since he was seeing visions of the past and not the future.{{book ref|sa1|61}}
During the [[Battle of the Tower]] Sadeas betrayed Dalinar, leaving him and his men stranded on the [[towerTower (Roshar)|towerTower]] while he and his army returned to camp unscathed. Renarin, seeking news of his father's fate, followed Navani to Sadeas's warcamp where she was interrogating the highprince. After Navani burned her [[Glyphs/Index#Thath|Thath]] [[glyph]] Renarin thanked her for the prayer. When Dalinar and Adolin returned safely Renarin embraced them, the first time Dalinar had seen true joy within him in a while. After Dalinar gave his Shardblade, [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], to Sadeas in exchange for [[Kaladin]] and the [[bridgemen]], Dalinar gave his Plate to Renarin, fulfilling half of his promise.{{book ref|sa1|69}}
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