Talk:Helaran Davar

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Revision as of 07:10, 11 April 2016 by (talk) (Balat's axehound alive and ...well?)
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Balat's AxehoundEdit

Minor nitpick here - We see in Balat's interlude chapter in WoK that he still has a pet Axehound. Given Balat's clasically antisocial personality, Idoubt he'd be sentimental enough to have bought a new pet, especially given the Davars' financial issues - antisocial types tend to be very logical outside of their fixations, and we already know that Balat's fixation is cruelty. I'm inclined to think it more likely that Heleran is disappointed because Balat sees the dog (erm, axehound) as an extension of his cruelty to animals (like the way he revels in seeing it tear apart some crab-like critter in that interlude chapter) rather than enjoying his cute little puppy.

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