Taln Fan

Joined 25 August 2021
no edit summary
# Actually get around to finishing up the Original articles. (When the ebook is out
# Rithmatist articles! These are just sad. Rithmatist deserves better.
December/January: Evershore, maybe February
January/February: The Original articles!
February-April: Cytonic/Cytoverse. Finish as much as possible.
May/early June: Rithmatist. Maybe sooner?
June: Legion: Death and Faxes. (Maybe just summaries and Legion history, not high priority.)
July: Finish some Lux articles
August: Grind out Alcatraz stuff. Maybe sooner, but prep for Bastille.
October: Whatever needs work
November: TLM!!! Make sure things are ready.
== Notes to Self ==
