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At the age of 15, Wax spent a year living in the [[Village]], with the option to stay if he wished. During his last months in the Village, he encountered [[Forch]], a [[Twinborn]] Terris boy who committed arson. Wax investigated the crime and brought his evidence to the attention of the constables, but this was ultimately disregarded by his grandmother who insisted that the Terris people manage themselves and their criminals. Wax unintentionally spotted Forch later that night and believed he was going to commit arson again. Investigating further, Wax unknowingly stumbled upon Forch attempting to dissect a living boy he had kidnapped. Despite being heavily outmatched by another Twinborn, Wax ultimately killed Forch in self defense during a Steelpushing battle, rescuing the child from him.{{book ref|mb6|prologue}} This is when Wax decided to leave the Village and strike out on his own.
{{image|Wax by Linnéa Sandberg.png|side=rightleft|width=200px}}
=== The Roughs ===
Eventually discovering the location of the Vanishers' hideout and confirming Hundredlives' involvement, Wax began forming a plan to take down the unbeatable, former lawman.{{book ref|mb4|10}} Focusing his attention on puzzling out the Vanishers' peculiar robbery methods, Wax was taken by surprise when the Vanishers attacked his train en route back to Elendel.{{book ref|mb4|12}} Wounded in the attack and shaken by Hundredlives' claim that the real evil in the world is the corruption of Elendel itself{{book ref|mb4|13}}, Waxillium escaped to [[Ranette]]'s house, where he obtained [[Hazekiller]] bullets and a new prototype revolver, [[Vindication]].{{book ref|mb4|14}}
{{image|Wax shooting Miles.jpg|side=right|height=300px|Wax shooting [[Miles]]}}
|Wax thinks like a lawkeeper. This is the best way to find our hideout—stay with the cargo you know will be stolen, even if you're not sure precisely how. No. He'll have guessed how we're doing it. That's the risk of being as good as he is. As good as I was. You start to think like a criminal.
|Miles {{book ref|mb4|17}}
Correctly deducing the Vanishers' next target, Wax set Wayne and Marasi to work, zeroing in on the protection of Lord [[Augustin Tekiel|Tekiel]]'s next shipment train, which included the new, [[Breaknaught]] cargo car. Infiltrating the car just before the predicted robbery took place, Wax allowed himself to be taken to the Vanishers' lair.{{book ref|mb4|16}} Making use of a large amount of dynamite smuggled alongside him in the Breaknaught, Waxillium fought his way through the Vanishers' hideout, unfortunately losing Vindication in the fray. Successfully springing a trap made specially to capture Hundredlives, Wax was then forced to flee when the outlaw opted to blow himself up with a personal explosive, rather than be captured. Escaping into the mists, Waxillium briefly experienced a conversation with [[Harmony]], which culminated in the realization that Harmony had worked behind the scenes to orchestrate the delivery of Wax's old, lost weapons to the Vanishers' hideout, just in time to help.{{book ref|mb4|18}}
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