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== Appearance and Personality ==
She is short, squat, and curvaceous, with a large bust and a slender neck.{{book ref|sa1|54}}{{book ref|sa3|19}}{{book ref|sa3|21}}{{book ref|sa2|5}}{{book ref|sa2|38}} She has a wide mouth, thick lips, and green eyes.{{book ref|sa2|5}}{{book ref|sa3|21}}{{book ref|sa2|38}} She has black hair, although she reportedly has partial foreign ancestry and dyes her hair black to appear fully Alethi.{{book ref|sa1|54}} She wears dresses in the latest Alethi fashions.{{book ref|sa4|7}} Her husband notes that she has never been considered a beauty and is not aging particularly gracefully, but he has always been attracted to her "dangerous" personality.{{book ref|sa2|5}} Towards the end of her life, after several stressful events, she takes on a gaunt, haggard appearance.{{book ref|sa4|7}}{{book ref|sa4|12}}
HerIalai namehas isbeen consideredknown mildlyto blasphemousbe byunderhanded thesince [[Vorin]]her church,youth.{{book whichref|sa3|19}} holdsShe perfectis symmetryconstantly holy;assessing thisevery intriguedperson Toroland whensituation, helooking firstfor metweaknesses herto exploit.{{book ref|sa2sa3|2921}} The[[Jasnah coupleKholin]] oftenbelieves fondlythat scratchIalai eachis other'sas backs.shrewd as Torol,{{book ref|sa2|538}} and the pair constantly scheme against their political rivals.{{book ref|sa2|29}} Generally,Ialai sheand isTorol aare perfectso Alethiself-serving womanand inunprincipled public,that [[Mraize]] butbelieves likesthem to loungebe inwholly privateunpredictable.{{book ref|sa2sa3|522}}
Ialai has been known to be underhanded since her youth.{{book ref|sa3|19}} She is constantly assessing every person and situation, looking for weaknesses to exploit.{{book ref|sa3|21}} [[Jasnah Kholin]] believes that Ialai is as shrewd as Torol.{{book ref|sa2|38}} [[Adolin Kholin]] notes that his mother [[Evi]] thought Ialai was clever and admired her wit.{{book ref|sa3|22}} Unlike most Brightladies, she enjoys food typically served to men.{{book ref|sa3|19}}
{{image|House-Sadeas-Torol-Ialai.jpg|width=200px|side=left|Ialai and Torol Sadeas}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Ialai runs the best network of spies and informants in the warcamps at the Shattered Plains, and is able to keep it a closely-guarded secret.{{book ref|sa2|5}} Her network also includes assassins.{{book ref|sa2|58}} As the wife of a Highprince, she regularly attends notable events in Alethkar such as duels, feasts, and even military meetings, giving her personal access to a wide range of information and members of the nobility.{{book ref|sa1|54}}{{book ref|sa2|29}}{{book ref|sa3|75}} She can write using [[women's script]].{{book ref|sa2|55}}
She is generally a perfect Alethi woman in public, but likes to lounge in private.{{book ref|sa2|5}} She can write using [[women's script]]{{book ref|sa2|55}} and is knowledgeable about wine.{{book ref|sa4|7}} Unlike most Brightladies, she enjoys food typically served to men.{{book ref|sa3|19}} Her name is considered mildly blasphemous by the [[Vorin]] church, which holds perfect symmetry holy.{{book ref|sa2|29}}
She and Torol are like-minded and regularly share information about the politics, personalities, and happenings of Alethkar.{{book ref|sa2|5}} They collaborate on schemes to increase their personal wealth and influence, typically with little regard for the welfare of others.{{book ref|sa2|29}}
After Torol's death, Ialai continuescontinued to run a spy network in Urithiru and then the Shattered Plains, even learning bits and pieces about the activities of the [[Ghostbloods]].;{{book ref|sa4|9}}{{book ref|sa4|13}} she is among the few Rosharans at the time that are aware of [[Shadesmar]] and civilizations on other planets.{{book ref|sa4|13}} She remains adept at seizing power when it is available for the taking.{{book ref|sa3|27}}{{book ref|sa4|6}}
== History ==
Ialai married Highprince Torol Sadeas prior to the unification of Alethkar. It is likely that she and Torolimmediately werebecame veryinvolved youngin whenAlethi theypolitics. were married; atAt a feast aroundin the year{{Rosharan date|1143 when Torol was approximately twenty years old}}, he and Ialai weretried marriedto atpersuade thatDalinar time.{{bookto ref|sa3|19}}enter Atinto thisa feast,political Dalinarmarriage first sawwith [[Evi]];, Ialaidespite triedher toassessment persuadeof himEvi toas enter into a political marriage"vapid".{{book ref|sa3|19}} After Dalinar and Evi were married, Ialai and [[Navani]] often tried to convince Evi to be more assertive.{{book ref|sa3|52}} As the wives of two influential Highprinces who were often away in battle, Ialai and Navani often worked together in Kholinar during this time in order to maintain a stable kingdom.{{book ref|sa3|96}} [[Gavilar]] had no issues leveraging Ialai's schemes to eliminate political rivals.{{book ref|sa3|19}}
Ialai was also present when Torol won a [[King's Boon]] from [[Gavilar Kholin]] and subsequently defeated [[Yenev]] in a duel.{{book ref|sa2|55}}
=== The Shattered Plains ===
{{image|Sadeas_and_ialai.jpg|width=200px|side=right|Ialai and Torol Sadeas}}
During the [[War of Reckoning]], Ialai lived in the Sadeas warcamp on the [[Shattered Plains]]. She was present whenWhen [[Shallan Davar]] arrived to the warcamps with news of Jasnah's presumed death, andIalai haughtily asked Shallanher about the succession in [[Jah Keved]].{{book ref|sa2|38}}
Ialai and Torol spent much of their time on the Shattered Plains conspiring against the other highprinces and currying the king[[Elhokar]]'s favor while simultaneously defying the authority of the throne.{{book ref|sa2|29}} [[Dalinar Kholin]]had wasbecome a longtime rival of Torol's, and he and his son Adolin were often the target of their plots.{{book ref|sa2|29}} They became uneasy when Dalinar nearly executed a plan that would have allowed Adolin to challenge Torol to a duel, and they vowed to destroy Dalinar by any means necessary.{{book ref|sa2|58}}
Using her spy network, Ialai uncovered [[Navani]]'s notes on [[Dalinar's visions]]. She altered the notes in a way that was intended to defame Dalinar and released them at a lighteyed feast.{{book ref|sa2|67}} However, Dalinar embraced the release of the visions and was able to maintain his credibility.{{book ref|sa2|67}} An unsuccessful attempt was then made on Dalinar's life when a carpenter in the Sadeas's employ intentionally collapsed a bridge while Dalinar was crossing it.{{book ref|sa2|68}} Ialai felt that she had failed when Dalinar survivessurvived.{{book ref|sa2|76}}
The pair then considered a coup, but decided it was not necessary assince Dalinar would likely be killed during his assault on the [[Parshendi]].{{book ref|sa2|76}} However, they did not anticipate [[Aladar]] shifting his allegiance to Dalinar's cause.{{book ref|sa2|76}} The addition of Aladar's army to the combined Alethi forces during the [[Battle of Narak]] allowed Dalinar to hold off the Parshendi long enough to unlock the [[Oathgate]] to [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa2|86}}
=== Urithiru ===
During this time, the [[Ghostbloods]] revealed that they were actively watching Ialai. [[Mraize]] personally posed as a Sadeas soldier in order to get closer to her. He believed that she was exceptionally unpredictable since she would always approach any situation with her own motives ahead of all others.{{book ref|sa3|22}}
After Torol's death, Ialai was no longer openly adversarial with Dalinar, which worried him since it meant she was likely undermining him behind his back instead.{{book ref|sa3|107}} She named Amaram the new Highprince of House Sadeas, in an affront to Dalinar's authority.{{book ref|sa3|27}} She attended the meeting of monarchs when Dalinar was trying to unite Roshar, defying tradition by refusing to carry her own chair.{{book ref|sa3|96}} She tried to sabotage the Kholin's efforts by suggesting an invasion of [[Shinovar]] and insulting [[Queen Fen]].{{book ref|sa3|96}} At a later meeting of the remaining coalition, she and [[Ruthar]] verbally sparred with Jasnah, indirectly causing Dalinar to have a revelation that the [[Voidbringers]] were likely to attack [[Thaylen City]] instead of Jah Keved.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
Amaram and the Sadeas army joined [[Odium]]'s forces during the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]],{{book ref|sa3|115}} but were ultimately defeated by the [[Knights Radiant]] and their allies.{{book ref|sa3|120}} Amaram was killed, and Ialai left Urithiru in disgrace.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
=== Return to the Shattered Plains and Death ===
After Amaram's death, Ialai returned to the warcamps at the Shattered Plains; Mraize did not accompany her there.{{book ref|sa4|8}} Soon after her arrival, [[Thanadal]] was assassinated and [[Vamah]] fled, leaving her in control of the local economy.{{book ref|sa4|6}} She also became the leader of the [[Sons of Honor]], learning some secrets that she had not previously been privy to.{{book ref|sa4|7}} However, due to the loss of both Gavilar and Amaram, there was little she could do to help them recover their previous influence. She retained some followers who referred to her as the true queen of Alethkar, but the group operated more like a cult. Still, Dalinar had some concerns about letting Ialai operate unchecked with an [[Oathgate]] nearby. The other Alethi assumed that Ialai was also behind Thanadal's death. [[Shallan]] was sent to infiltrate Ialai's group, using her powers to disguise herself as a merchant named [[Chanasha]].{{book ref|sa4|4}} She was eventually able to trick Ialai's followers into taking her through a secret tunnel to a fortress near the former Sadeas lumberyards where Ialai was stayingliving.{{book ref|sa4|6}} She was sleeping in a small closet-like room and refused to leave the fortress.{{book ref|sa4|8}}
|I've fought so long. And now I’m alone … sometimes it seems the very shadows work against me.
Ialai's death confused Shallan, and she assumed that a spy among her team, possibly another Ghostblood, had killed her.{{book ref|sa4|13}} Her attempts to find the spy were fruitless, and Radiant later admitted that she had taken over Shallan's psyche and administered the poison in an attempt to protect Shallan's mental health. Shallan subsequently regained her memories of killing Ialai.{{book ref|sa4|93}}
===Torol Sadeas===
Torol was intrigued by Ialai's blasphemous name when he first met her.{{book ref|sa2|29}} It is likely that she and Torol were very young when they were married; at a feast around the year {{Rosharan date|1143}} when Torol was approximately twenty years old, he and Ialai were already husband and wife.{{book ref|sa3|19}} He notes that she has never been considered a beauty and is not aging particularly gracefully, but he has always been attracted to her "dangerous" personality.{{book ref|sa2|5}} The couple often fondly scratch each other's backs.{{book ref|sa2|5}}{{book ref|sa2|29}} Ialai and Torol are like-minded and regularly share information about the politics, personalities, and happenings of Alethkar.{{book ref|sa2|5}} They collaborate on schemes to increase their personal wealth and influence, typically with little regard for the welfare of others.{{book ref|sa2|29}} Ialai was distraught when Torol was murdered.{{book ref|sa3|22}}
===Kholin Family===
Ialai and Dalinar seemed to have a cordial relationship in their youth, during Gavilar's unification war. Ialai served as a matchmaker of sorts for Dalinar's political marriage to Evi{{book ref|sa3|19}} and she even joked with Dalinar on occasion.{{book ref|sa3|19}} However, the Sadeas's thirst for power eventually turned them against Dalinar. This led to them plotting against him{{book ref|sa2|29}} and eventually becoming outright enemies; they attempted to defame and even assassinate him.{{book ref|sa2|67}}{{book ref|sa2|76}} After Torol was killed, Ialai redoubled her efforts to plot against Dalinar. She did not believe Dalinar killed Torol, but she defied his authority and sabotaged his coalition.{{book ref|sa3|27}}{{book ref|sa3|96}} She continued to undermine him at every opportunity.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
Ialai did not have a good first impression of [[Evi]], calling her "vapid".{{book ref|sa3|19}} She and Navani counseled Evi to be more assertive during her marriage to Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|52}} Evi thought Ialai was clever and admired her wit.{{book ref|sa3|22}}
Although Ialai had worked closely with Navani in their youth to further their common goals, any vestiges of friendship seemed to be gone by the time Navani got together with Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
Ialai did not think highly of Adolin, and he was sometimes targeted by her schemes to get at Dalinar.{{book ref|sa2|29}} She seemed suspicious of Adolin after Torol's death.{{book ref|sa3|22}}
Ialai and Jasnah dislike each other, but Ialai knows better than to verbally spar with her.{{book ref|sa3|107}} She does not acknowledge Jasnah as the legitimate queen of Alethkar.{{book ref|sa4|7}}
After the [[Battle of Narak]], [[Mraize]] and the Ghostbloods keep a close eye on Ialai because of her unpredictable nature. Mraize infiltrated her inner circle through unknown means and was present for some of her important meetings in Urithiru.{{book ref|sa3|22}}{{book ref|sa3|96}} Mraize did not accompany Ialai back to the Shattered Plains after she left Urithiru in disgrace.{{book ref|sa4|8}} Ialai apparently realized Mraize's true nature at some point, and subsequently lived in fear of the Ghostbloods until her death.{{book ref|sa4|7}}