Difference between revisions of "User:King of Herdaz/Dalinar Kholin"

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He can be somewhat egalitarian in his assessment of others, in particular soldiers, and will often promote men based not on eye color or social status, but rather on the ability they display.{{book ref|sa3|3}} This extends beyond the [[Vorin]] ranks system, as Dalinar is willing to give a chance to people he doesn't normally associate with fighting, like [[Parshmen]] or women, if he considers their skills valuable or if they are recommended to him by someone trustworthy.{{book ref|sa2|46}}{{book ref|sa3|117}} This doesn't mean he's entirely free of bias, however, and when the worlds of the court and the military collide, he can often end up referring back to the established social order, possibly without fully realizing it.{{book ref|sa2|62}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
[[File:Dalinar by Grant Hansen.jpg|thumb|right|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Grant Hansen}}</small></center> The Blackthorn riding into battle]]
Dalinar was raised in the Vorin religion; his Calling to be a leader, and his chosen Glory determination.{{book ref|sa1|18}} At some point in his life, he joined a lay devotary called the Order of [[Talenelat]].{{book ref|sa1|54}} However, over time his faith wavers, and his visions lead him to conclude that the [[Almighty]] is dead. This ends with his excommunication from the [[Vorin]] church.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
He has an excellent memory, and is able to quote entire chapters of ''[[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]]'' without pause.{{book ref|sa1|58}} Unlike most Vorin men, he has been taught how to write and read by [[Navani]].{{book ref|sa3|121}}
=== Combat ===
In his younger years, Dalinar Kholin has been considered one of the greatest warriors of the modern world, and though in the present day his reputation has faded somewhat, he is still incredibly dangerous.{{book ref|sa1|12}} Throughout his life, Dalinar has seen every aspect of war, from open-field combat to logistics and sieges.{{book ref|sa3|3}}{{book ref|sa3|11}} His only blank spot appears to be naval combat, as though not land-locked, the [[Alethi]] do not typically war on sea.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
For most of his life, Dalinar possessed a set of [[Shardplate]], as well as a [[Shardblade]] named [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], with the latter coming into his hands after he killed highlord [[Tanalan's father|Tanalan]] in the first siege of the [[Rift]].{{book ref|sa3|11}} He was considered extremely skilled at using both.{{book ref|sa1|13}} This being said, near the end of the [[War of Reckoning]] he gave them up. Oathbringer was given to [[Torol Sadeas]], in exchange for all of his enslaved bridgemen, while the Plate was given to [[Renarin]] shortly afterwards.{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{book ref|sa2|16}}
=== VisionsLeadership ===
Dalinar is the head of the Kholin household, and as such holds authority over all other members of his family. His nephew, [[Elhokar Kholin]], is an exception, as Elhokar is in the royal line and thus above and outside Dalinar's authority. The Kholin family is made up of his sons [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin]] and [[Renarin Kholin|Renarin]], his sister-in-law-turned-wife [[Navani Kholin|Navani]], and his niece [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah]]. As the highprince, Dalinar owns all of the land belonging to the Kholin princedom.
He also commands the [[:Category: Kholin army|Kholin Army]], though in battles, he often passes the command to his eldest son. The army is large and well-trained, although it takes significant losses in the [[Battle of the Tower]].{{book ref|sa2|2}} The [[Cobalt Guard]] and [[Bridge Four]], two units of honor guard dedicated to protecting the king and the Kholins, are also part of the army. He also once had a group of soldier who accompanied him into battle, [[Dalinar's elites]], but they seem to have been dissolved by the [[War of Reckoning]], though some of their members still fight for him.
[[File:Choose a Side.jpg|thumb|left|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Ganna Pazyniuk}}</small></center> Using [[Surgebinding]] to try and help [[Venli]] in one of his visions]]
=== Visions ===
{{for|Dalinar's visions}}
Since Dalinar began reading ''[[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]]'', he's been experiencing [[Dalinar's visions|visions]] during every [[highstorm]]. These visions feel real to him.{{book ref|sa1|19}} He experiences them as himself, but other people in the visions see him as someone else, not as an outsider. At the end of every one of them, Dalinar hears the voice of [[Honor]] speaking to him, commanding him to "unite them". As the visions are pre-recorded, Dalinar cannot communicate with Honor.{{book ref|sa1|75}}
While Dalinar is having the visions, his body attempts to act them out in reality, leading to him appearing to have fits and speak gibberish while to his eyes, he's moving around and speaking the native language.{{book ref|sa1|19}} Eventually, the blabbering is revealed to be [[Dawnchant]], an ancient, long-dead language, proving the visions to be real.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
At the [[Battle of Narak]], the [[Stormfather]] informs Dalinar that he would receive no more new visions.{{book ref|sa2|89}} However, after becoming the Stormfather's bonded [[Knight Radiant]], Dalinar can replay the previous ones at will during [[highstorm]]s. He can even bring in other people to share the vision with him, as long as they are inside a highstorm at the time or they are physically touching him.{{book ref|sa3|56}}
=== Surgebinding ===
Dalinar has a [[Nahel bond]] with the [[Stormfather]], the personification of storms and the divine. This makes him a [[Knight Radiant]] of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]]. His [[Surge]]s are Tension and Adhesion. Adhesion allows him to bind objects together, and Tension grants the Surgebinder power over Soft Axial Connections, though what precisely this entails is yet to be revealed.
Like all Surgebinders, Dalinar can draw or breathe in [[Stormlight]], which gives him superhuman strength, speed, and healing capabilities. As a [[Bondsmith]], Dalinar is able to bind inanimate objects, allowing him to restore broken things back from pieces to their original shape. The ability seems to manifest as Dalinar hearing the broken pieces talk to him, though it's uncertain whether this happens every time.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
He can also Connect to people - by touching them, he can acquire the ability to speak and understand their native language, though it wears off after a time.{{book ref|sa3|65}} This ability has other implications, but he is unable to pick up other people's abilities with them.{{wob ref|11424}}
Dalinar has other abilities, seemingly connected to the Stormfather's particular relation to [[Honor]]. He can summon [[Honor's Perpendicularity]], though it's unclear whether that's a feat that can be repeated. It provides a temporary way to move between Roshar and [[Shadesmar]], as well as near-infinite amount of [[Stormlight]] while open.{{book ref|sa3|119}} Outside of it, he can also refill [[sphere]]s with Stormlight and supercharge other [[Surgebinder]]s with it, although it's uncertain whether this is part of Bondsmiths' toolset, or an ability unique to him.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== History ==
=== Oathbringer ===
In order to record his story, Dalinar asked Navani to teach him how to read and write. [[Oathbringer (in-world)|Oathbringer]] was penned in his own hand.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
[[File:Dalinar by Grant Hansen.jpg|thumb|right|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Grant Hansen}}</small></center> The Blackthorn riding into battle]]
Dalinar was raised in the Vorin religion; his Calling to be a leader, and his chosen Glory determination.{{book ref|sa1|18}} At some point in his life, he joined a lay devotary called the Order of [[Talenelat]].{{book ref|sa1|54}} However, over time his faith wavers, and his visions lead him to conclude that the [[Almighty]] is dead. This ends with his excommunication from the [[Vorin]] church.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
He has an excellent memory, and is able to quote entire chapters of ''[[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]]'' without pause.{{book ref|sa1|58}} Unlike most Vorin men, he has been taught how to write and read by [[Navani]].{{book ref|sa3|121}}
=== Combat ===
In his younger years, Dalinar Kholin has been considered one of the greatest warriors of the modern world, and though in the present day his reputation has faded somewhat, he is still incredibly dangerous.{{book ref|sa1|12}} Throughout his life, Dalinar has seen every aspect of war, from open-field combat to logistics and sieges.{{book ref|sa3|3}}{{book ref|sa3|11}} His only blank spot appears to be naval combat, as though not land-locked, the [[Alethi]] do not typically war on sea.{{book ref|sa3|107}}
For most of his life, Dalinar possessed a set of [[Shardplate]], as well as a [[Shardblade]] named [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], with the latter coming into his hands after he killed highlord [[Tanalan's father|Tanalan]] in the first siege of the [[Rift]].{{book ref|sa3|11}} He was considered extremely skilled at using both.{{book ref|sa1|13}} This being said, near the end of the [[War of Reckoning]] he gave them up. Oathbringer was given to [[Torol Sadeas]], in exchange for all of his enslaved bridgemen, while the Plate was given to [[Renarin]] shortly afterwards.{{book ref|sa1|69}}{{book ref|sa2|16}}
=== House Kholin ===
Dalinar is the head of the Kholin household, and as such holds authority over all other members of his family. His nephew, [[Elhokar Kholin]], is an exception, as Elhokar is in the royal line and thus above and outside Dalinar's authority. The Kholin family is made up of his sons [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin]] and [[Renarin Kholin|Renarin]], his sister-in-law-turned-wife [[Navani Kholin|Navani]], and his niece [[Jasnah Kholin|Jasnah]]. As the highprince, Dalinar owns all of the land belonging to the Kholin princedom.
He also commands the [[:Category: Kholin army|Kholin Army]], though in battles, he often passes the command to his eldest son. The army is large and well-trained, although it takes significant losses in the [[Battle of the Tower]].{{book ref|sa2|2}} The [[Cobalt Guard]] and [[Bridge Four]], two units of honor guard dedicated to protecting the king and the Kholins, are also part of the army. He also once had a group of soldier who accompanied him into battle, [[Dalinar's elites]], but they seem to have been dissolved by the [[War of Reckoning]], though some of their members still fight for him.
[[File:Choose a Side.jpg|thumb|left|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Ganna Pazyniuk}}</small></center> Using [[Surgebinding]] to try and help [[Venli]] in one of his visions]]
=== Visions ===
{{for|Dalinar's visions}}
Since Dalinar began reading ''[[The Way of Kings (in-world)|The Way of Kings]]'', he's been experiencing [[Dalinar's visions|visions]] during every [[highstorm]]. These visions feel real to him.{{book ref|sa1|19}} He experiences them as himself, but other people in the visions see him as someone else, not as an outsider. At the end of every one of them, Dalinar hears the voice of [[Honor]] speaking to him, commanding him to "unite them". As the visions are pre-recorded, Dalinar cannot communicate with Honor.{{book ref|sa1|75}}
While Dalinar is having the visions, his body attempts to act them out in reality, leading to him appearing to have fits and speak gibberish while to his eyes, he's moving around and speaking the native language.{{book ref|sa1|19}} Eventually, the blabbering is revealed to be [[Dawnchant]], an ancient, long-dead language, proving the visions to be real.{{book ref|sa1|52}}
At the [[Battle of Narak]], the [[Stormfather]] informs Dalinar that he would receive no more new visions.{{book ref|sa2|89}} However, after becoming the Stormfather's bonded [[Knight Radiant]], Dalinar can replay the previous ones at will during [[highstorm]]s. He can even bring in other people to share the vision with him, as long as they are inside a highstorm at the time or they are physically touching him.{{book ref|sa3|56}}
=== Surgebinding ===
Dalinar has a [[Nahel bond]] with the [[Stormfather]], the personification of storms and the divine. This makes him a [[Knight Radiant]] of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]]. His [[Surge]]s are Tension and Adhesion. Adhesion allows him to bind objects together, and Tension grants the Surgebinder power over Soft Axial Connections, though what precisely this entails is yet to be revealed.
Like all Surgebinders, Dalinar can draw or breathe in [[Stormlight]], which gives him superhuman strength, speed, and healing capabilities. As a [[Bondsmith]], Dalinar is able to bind inanimate objects, allowing him to restore broken things back from pieces to their original shape. The ability seems to manifest as Dalinar hearing the broken pieces talk to him, though it's uncertain whether this happens every time.{{book ref|sa3|59}}
He can also Connect to people - by touching them, he can acquire the ability to speak and understand their native language, though it wears off after a time.{{book ref|sa3|65}} This ability has other implications, but he is unable to pick up other people's abilities with them.{{wob ref|11424}}
Dalinar has other abilities, seemingly connected to the Stormfather's particular relation to [[Honor]]. He can summon [[Honor's Perpendicularity]], though it's unclear whether that's a feat that can be repeated. It provides a temporary way to move between Roshar and [[Shadesmar]], as well as near-infinite amount of [[Stormlight]] while open.{{book ref|sa3|119}} Outside of it, he can also refill [[sphere]]s with Stormlight and supercharge other [[Surgebinder]]s with it, although it's uncertain whether this is part of Bondsmiths' toolset, or an ability unique to him.{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Relationships ==
== Quotes ==
|So today, you and your men sacrificed to buy me twenty-six hundred priceless lives. And all I had to repay you with was a single priceless sword. I call that a bargain.
Autopatrolled, Editors
