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|My father thinks I'm a better man than he is. Unfortunately for [[Torol Sadeas|you]], he's wrong.
|Adolin to Sadeas{{book ref|sa2|89}}
'''Adolin Kholin''' is a [[lighteyed]] [[Alethi]] prince and third in line to the throne of Alethkar{{book ref|sa2|1}}. He is considered to be one of the best swordsmen in all of Alethkar{{book ref|sa3|73}}. Adolin is the son of [[Dalinar Kholin]], the elder brother of [[Renarin Kholin]] and husband of [[Shallan Davar]]{{book ref|sa3|122}} who are members of the [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa2|89}} He is the current [[Highprince]] of the [[Kholin princedom]].
==== A Change of Heart ====
The Kholin Army's next plateau excursion is run jointly with Sadeas's, who agreed to trying out the new tactic at the feast.{{book ref|sa1|54}} Dalinar is nearly overwhelmed as he tries to save Sadeas but Adolin and the rest of his army arrives to save them. Adolin tells Dalinar that he gave him quite a fright as he had to punch through the entire Parshendi army to get to them and half scolds him for making such a reckless move. Dalinar explains to Adolin that he made the decision while firm in the knowledge that if anything had happened to him his son could handle the army.{{book ref|sa1|56}}
A week after the plateau assault Adolin goes to a wineshop in the [[Outer Market]] with Danlan, [[Jakamav]], [[Inkima]], [[Toral]] and [[Eshava]]. Adolin complains about how he hates being proven wrong and wonders why Sadeas, who was in a position of strength, never used it to take out House Kholin. Danlan wonders if the reason Sadeas did not move against Dalinar was because he wished to avoid a war. Toral makes subtle comments about the reputation of not only Dalinar but also House Kholin which Adolin refutes. Eshava voices that she wishes Danliar would step down from his position of highprince. Toral tells Adolin that no one is ignoring what is happening to his father during highstorms. Danlan says that stepping down would be too much of an overreaction but she does wish that Dalinar would relax all of the restrictions the Codes place on the Kholin warcamp. Adolin tells her he has tried and then excuses himself as he has a duel to prepare for against Resi, who had been vocally insulting his father. While leaving Adolin remarks on how uncomfortable the conversation made him.{{book ref|sa1|58}}
As he moves through the Outer Market to the duelling grounds he notices the differences between the Kholin officers and those of other highprinces. Adolin finds himself annoyed with the others, asking internally if they knew there was a war going on. It is at this point that he has a revelation.
|Maybe the Codes weren't just about protecting against the Parshendi. Maybe they were about something more—about giving the men commanders they could respect and rely on. About treating war with the gravity it deserved. Maybe it was about not turning a war zone into a festival. The common men had to remain on watch, vigilant. Therefore, Adolin and Dalinar did the same.
|Chapter 58{{book ref|sa1|58}}
A week after the plateau assault Adolin goes to a wineshop in the [[Outer Market]] with Danlan, [[Jakamav]], [[Inkima]], [[Toral]] and [[Eshava]]. Adolin complains about how he hates being proven wrong and wonders why Sadeas, who was in a position of strength, never used it to take out House Kholin. Danlan wonders if the reason Sadeas did not move against Dalinar was because he wished to avoid a war. Toral makes subtle comments about the reputation of not only Dalinar but also House Kholin which Adolin refutes. Eshava voices that she wishes Danliar would step down from his position of highprince. Toral tells Adolin that no one is ignoring what is happening to his father during highstorms. Danlan says that stepping down would be too much of an overreaction but she does wish that Dalinar would relax all of the restrictions the Codes place on the Kholin warcamp. Adolin tells her he has tried and then excuses himself as he has a duel to prepare for against Resi, who had been vocally insulting his father. While leaving Adolin remarks on how uncomfortable the conversation made him.{{book ref|sa1|58}}
As he moves through the Outer Market to the duelling grounds he notices the differences between the Kholin officers and those of other highprinces. Adolin finds himself annoyed with the others, asking internally if they knew there was a war going on. It is at this point that he has a revelation.
After his victory in the duel with Resi{{book ref|sa1|58}}, Adolin goes to his father and tells him that he understands why they follow the Codes now and that he absolutely must not abdicate. Dalinar, amused, tells Adolin that he has convinced him and this shocks Adolin who is rarely allowed to win arguments with his father. Dalinar tells Adolin that he will draft an order that gives Adolin the right to depose him if he grows mentally unstable. Adolin says he is alright with this so long as they do not tell Sadeas. Dalinar asks Adolin to at least try to believe Sadeas can change, even if he doesn't trust him. Adolin still believes Sadeas is manipulating his father. Dalinar also asks Adolin to make sure that it is only King's Guard soldiers loyal to him that are guarding Elhokar's rooms as he believes there is something fishy going on. They enter Dalinar's chambers for the highstorm, where Navani and Renarin are waiting. After the highstorm Adolin and the rest of the Kholin's discover that Dalinar's has been speaking the [[Dawnchant]] during his episodes which means the visions are absolutely not delusions.{{book ref|sa1|60}}
Part way through the battle a second Parshendi army arrives. Adolin notices this before Dalinar and, frantic, he runs to his father asking him what they are supposed to do. He points it out and as Dalinar goes to check for himself he sees Sadeas leaving and taking all of his bridges with him, effectively leaving the Kholin army to be slaughtered with no way for retreat. {{book ref|sa1|65}} Adolin and Dalinar fight side by side against the Parshendi. Adolin berates their shared decision to trust Sadeas:
|We walked right into this […] We let him take away our bridges. We let him get us onto the plateau before the second wave of Parshendi arrived. We let him control the scouts. We even suggested the attack pattern that would leave us surrounded if he didn't support us!
|Adolin to Dalinar{{book ref|sa1|66}}
As the battle continues however he tells his father that he does not blame his father for what is happening and that he wishes he had not fought Dalinar on every little thing. Adolin reflects that if he had trusted his father instead of distracting them both they might have seen Sadeas's betrayal. With that reconciliation they both prepare to die alongside their army, fighting to the last breath.{{book ref|sa1|66}}
During the duel Adolin employs [[Ironstance]] in a brutal display, treating Salinor like a new recruit. He feels the Thrill during the duel, something that he hasn't felt before. He draws the ire of Highjudge [[Istow]] for using hand-to-hand combat techniques to break Salinor's helm and breastplate. He counters her by saying he broke no rules. The Thrill fades from him after he wraps his hand around Salinor's neck. After the duel he gives the Shardblade to Renarin as a present. Navani speculates that he went for such a brutal and unskilled method as a way of masking his true skill and Adolin allows her to believe this.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
|I owe you my life [...] That's the only reason I haven't yet thrown you through a window.
|Adolin to Kaladin{{book ref|sa2|16}}
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