Difference between revisions of "User:Jofwu/Shallan Davar"

I'm adding this so you know it's here. Have fun messing with formatting and location XD
(I'm adding this so you know it's here. Have fun messing with formatting and location XD)
=== Journey to the Shattered Plains ({{date/sa|year=1173|month=9}}-{{date/sa|year=1173|month=10}}) ===
[[File: WoR SH - Shallan.jpg|300px|thumb|left|Shallan after Jasnah's death by [[User:Botanicaxu]]]]
==== The Wind's Pleasure ====
[[File:Whelan_Stormlight_Shallan.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Shallan in the Shattered Plains by [[Michael Whelan]]]]
=== The Shattered Plains ({{date/sa|year=1173|month=10}})===
* better title?