Difference between revisions of "The Bands of Mourning"

(added synopsis and spoiler alert)
m (grammar)
Meanwhile, Marasi has figured out that the spearhead from the statue is the actual Bands of Mourning. Everything else was a decoy to keep people away. She manages to grab it while under guard and starts rampaging with power. She goes to Wax, who has returned to life, and gives him the Bands.
Wayne hunts down Telsin and shoots her multiple times to avenge his friend's death, retrieving both MeLaan's and ReLuur's spikes. He restores MeLaan and let'slets Telsin escape.
Suit tries to escape in a ship nearby, but Wax stops him and apprehends him. Steris helps Allik rally his prisoner shipmates and fight the Set minions. After the battle is over, Wax and the captain argue over possession of the ship and the Bands. Steris steps in and they find a resolution: she can have her ship back, the kandra will take the Bands, and trade will open up between them.
Some sort of kandra with red eyes visits Suit in his jail cell. He ominously announces that they are going to end all life on this sphere. Then he detonates a bomb.
Wax hears the bomb in his honeymoon suite and wakes up. He examines the strange coin and realizes it is a coppermind. Wax taps the memory and looks through the eyes of [[ Kelsier]].
==Cover Art Gallery==
Editors, Keepers
