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== History ==
{{image|Diplomacy by Marie Seeberger.jpg|side=right|width=300px|With [[Ialai]] and the Kholins at a diplomatic feast}}
=== Birth and Early Life ===
Sadeas was born in Alethkar in early {{Rosharan date|1123}} into House Sadeas.{{book ref|sa2|5}}{{wob ref|10572}} Little is known about his early life, except that at some point prior to {{Rosharan date|1140}} he became close friends with Gavilar and Dalinar Kholin.{{cite}}
=== Unification of Alethkar ===
Torol Sadeas was the closest friend of Gavilar and Dalinar Kholin duringDuring the Unification of Alethkar., Hehe and Gavilar would plot together, discussing strategy and the direction of the war. House Sadeas was one of the three princedoms to fight alongside the Kholins.{{book ref|sa3|11}}
He was instrumental in pushing the alliance to greater brutality. He was not ashamed of his cold heart and was known for showing off his cruelty, which included hanging the heads of the fallen Highprinces and their officers. He openly enjoyed the pillage of the fallen cities.{{book ref|sa3|3}}
