Difference between revisions of "User:King of Herdaz/Renarin Kholin"

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(started reworking the OB stuff that's already here)
=== Appearance ===
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Renarin has blue eyes{{wob ref|6415}} and his slender limbs and fingers give him the appearance of someone who has never done manual labor or fought in battle.{{book ref|sa2|5}} His hair color contains both blonde and black, like his brother's, though Renarin has more black than blonde.{{wob ref|3012}} He is also distinct in that he wears spectacles, though he eventually stops wearing them after [[Stormlight]] heals his eyesight.{{book ref|sa2|89}} Like all officers in the Kholin army, Renarin wears his uniform while out in public, though because of his physical weakness, it has never seen battle.{{book ref|sa1|26}} After he joins Bridge Four he usually wears a Bridge Four uniform instead.{{book ref|sa2|56}}
=== Personality ===
Renarin is autistic{{wob ref|7099}}, and developed a "blood weakness", epilepsy, as a child.{{book ref|sa2|41}} His epilepsy made him unfit for combat, unlike his brother who had been undergoing sword training from the age of six.{{book ref|sa2|26}} His mother told him the [[myth of Parasaphi and Nadris]] when he was young.{{book ref|sa1|61}}
=== OnWar theof ShatteredReckoning Plains(1167-1174) ===
After the [[Assassination of Gavilar]] Renarin went to the [[Shattered Plains]] with Dalinar and Adolin to fulfill the [[Vengeance Pact]].{{book ref|sa3|114}}
Renarin went with Dalinar, Adolin, Shallan, and the rest of the Kholin, Sebarial, Roion, and Aladar warcamps on the expedition to the center of the Shattered Plains to look for [[Urithiru]]. During the [[Battle of Narak]] when Shallan determined the location of the [[Oathgate]] Renarin gathered a group of soldiers and escorted her and her group of scholars to the plateau.{{book ref|sa2|81}} When Shallan located the Oathgate's control building Renarin, ignoring the screams, used his Shardblade to cut an opening into the chamber within.{{book ref|sa2|83}} Shallan tried using Renarin's Shardblade to unlock the portal, but since it was a [[deadeye]] it did not work.{{book ref|sa2|84}}
After Dalinar bonded with the [[Stormfather]] he met with Kaladin and Shallan, a meeting of Radiants. Renarin walked in and joined them, revealing that he too was a Knight Radiant. He told them that he was a [[Truthwatcher]] and that his ability was that he saw the truth of things. Dalinar realized that this was why he had stopped wearing his eyeglasses, and that the reason he froze every time he summoned his Shardblade was because of the screams he was hearing.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
=== TruthwatcherTrue Desolation (1174-) ===
After Sadeas's body was found lying in the hallways of Urithiru when Dalinar was giving orders to his generals and the other highprinces he told Renarin and Shallan to train and master their powers so they could be leaders and teachers for the coming Radiants.{{book ref|sa3|2}} Renarin came to Adolin while he was their father's [[Ryshadium]], [[Gallant]], in one of the tower's stables. Renarin told Adolin that he had to return the Shardblade he had been given since the screams made it unusable for him. Adolin protested that it would leave him defenseless and after some prodding Renarin summoned Glys as a Blade to show him. While they were talking afterwards Renarin used his Surge of [[Progression]] to heal Adolin's hand.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
After the discovery of [[Urithiru]], Renarin is one of the four founding members of the new Knights Radiant, along with Dalinar, Shallan, and Kaladin. He and Shallan are tasked with training and mastering their powers and becoming leaders for the coming Radiants. He is unconfident in his ability to do that, but agrees to it after encouragement from his father. Not much comes from this command, however, as most fledgeling Radiants in the city are based around Kaladin, or have competing interests to those of Dalinar like [[Malata]]. Renarin heals [[Adolin]]'s hand with [[Progression]] while visiting their father's [[Ryshadium]], and shows Adolin that he can produce a Shardblade. He makes Shallan uncomfortable on several occasions, but is able to sense the wrongness of the city just as she can. When Shallan discovers [[Re-Shephir]] in the lower levels, he comes along with Adolin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] in his Shardplate to help fight off the [[Unmade]]. He is the one who discovers the slow moving blackness of the Unmade, although it is [[Lyn]] who announces it. He is extremely unsettled by the sight, not even responding to Adolin trying to pull him back to the rest of the group. Only when [[Teft]] calls him into formation like a superior officer does he respond and move. He heals Bridge Four as they get injured. He covers Adolin's back when they charge into the room with the gemstone pillar and holds his own while Shallan confronts Re-Shephir.
After the discovery of [[Urithiru]], Renarin is one of the four founding members of the new Knights Radiant, along with Dalinar, Shallan, and Kaladin. He and Shallan are tasked with training and mastering their powers and becoming leaders for the coming Radiants. He is unconfident in his ability to do that, but agrees to it after encouragement from his father. Not much comes from this command, however, as most fledgeling Radiants in the city are based around Kaladin, or have competing interests to those of Dalinar like [[Malata]]. Renarin heals [[Adolin]]'s hand with [[Progression]] while visiting their father's [[Ryshadium]], and shows Adolin that he can produce a Shardblade. He makes Shallan uncomfortable on several occasions, but is able to sense the wrongness of the city just as she can. When Shallan discovers [[Re-Shephir]] in the lower levels, he comes along with Adolin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] in his Shardplate to help fight off the [[Unmade]]. He is the one who discovers the slow moving blackness of the Unmade, although it is [[Lyn]] who announces it. He is extremely unsettled by the sight, not even responding to Adolin trying to pull him back to the rest of the group. Only when [[Teft]] calls him into formation like a superior officer does he respond and move. He heals Bridge Four as they get injured. He covers Adolin's back when they charge into the room with the gemstone pillar and holds his own while Shallan confronts Re-Shephir.
After Jasnah's return, Renarin attends a meeting of brightladies and artifabrians talking about the function of Urithiru and how the gemstone pillar might work. He shares the idea that the city might be one big fabrial rather than several, and is insulted by [[Janala]], who calls him feminine. Navani starts to come to his defense, but Shallan, already vexed by Janala, jumps in instead to defend him. Renarin later thanks her and has a conversation with her about Jasnah, in which he gives Shallan the idea to go to Kholinar as part of the strike team as a spy. When the meeting resumes, Dalinar arrives, which gives Renarin the confidence to actively watch the rest of the proceedings.
Autopatrolled, Editors
