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finished wor history
(through 85)
(finished wor history)
After Adolin defeated [[Salinor Eved]] in a duel he gave his newly acquired Shardblade to Renarin.{{book ref|sa2|14}} The next day [[Zahel]] began training Renarin how to use his Shards. Zahel was impressed by Renarin's obedience and had him repeatedly jump off of the roof of the dueling grounds in his Shardplate to make him confident in the armor's protection.{{book ref|sa2|16}}{{book ref|sa2|18}}
During his joint plateau assault with [[Jakamav]] Dalinar had Renarin brought to the battle surrounded by an honor guard with orders not to allow him to fight in order that he would see what battle was like. During the battle Renarin wanted to help defend one of the bridges, but when he summoned his blade he heard the voice of its spren screeching in his mind and froze up. After the battle Renarin told Adolin that he needed to be ready for what was coming. Adolin assumed he was referring to the numbers that had been appearing in the walls during highstorms counting down to a new storm that was coming. However, Renarin, who had been the one writing those numbers, was thinking of the visions his bond with [[Glys]] had given him that predicted the coming of the [[Everstorm]]. Around this time Renarin stopped wearing his spectacles since his eyes had been healed by his Stormlight.{{book ref|sa2|26}}{{book ref|sa2|89}}
When the [[Szeth|Assassin in White]] attacked them during a highstorm Dalinar ordered Renarin to take Elhokar to safety while he, Adolin, and Kaladin fought with the assassin.{{book ref|sa2|32}} The next day Renarin went to [[Bridge Four]]'s barracks and begged Kaladin to let him join him and his men. After an argument, Kaladin gave in and instructed him to wash the bowls and help [[Rock]] clean up from the night's stew. At first he made the other members of Bridge Four uncomfortable, but eventually they became good friends with him.{{book ref|sa2|41}} Several days later Renarin continued his training with Zahel who had him eat a meal in his Shardplate to teach him how to use it for delicate things, and then began training him how to fight with his Shards.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
|It's come," Renarin whispered. "It’sit’s come, it’s come, it’s come. We’re dead. We’re dead. We’re dead. . . ."
|Renarin{{book ref|sa2|85}}
As Shallan and the scholars tried to figure out how to operate the Oathgate Renarin crouched on the floor of the building writing zeros all over the floor as he mumbled repeatedly about how he had seen the Everstorm coming and that they were doomed.{{book ref|sa2|85}}
After Dalinar bonded with the [[Stormfather]] he met with Kaladin and Shallan, a meeting of Radiants. Renarin walked in and joined them, revealing that he too was a Knight Radiant. He told them that he was a [[Truthwatcher]] and that his ability was that he saw the truth of things. Dalinar realized that this was why he had stopped wearing his eyeglasses, and that the reason he froze every time he summoned his Shardblade was because of the screams he was hearing.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
=== Truthwatcher ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
