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As soon as Venli had gone Dalinar felt himself being ripped apart by Odium's power. When he regained his senses Odium appeared beside him. He asked Dalinar what he had been seeing and re-formed the vision to see for himself. Odium told Dalinar that he knew his pain and he was the only one who truly understood it. Dalinar asked if there could be peace and Odium told him that it would come after Dalinar destroyed Roshar and he rebuilt it. Dalinar tried to ask for a contest of champions but he could not get the words out and he realized that he had no hope of fighting or defeating Odium. Odium told Dalinar that while there would be pain he should push through it and in the end there would be peace and he would be victorious. After the vision ended Dalinar heard the Stormfather weeping from the price he had paid to keep Odium out of the vision for as long as he had.{{book ref|sa3|109}}
When Dalinar arrived in Thaylen City he was met by [[Meridas]] Amaram who reported on the work his men had done to secure the city. Amaram tried to convince Dalinar to give him command of the fight to liberate Althkar but Dalinar commanded him to continue his work in Thaylen City and Amaram walked away. After discussing the problem of merchants and bankers leaving Theylen City with Fen Dalinar spoke with the Stormfather about what Odium had almost done to him. The Stormfather told Dalinar that Odium could have [[Splinter|Splintered]] him but held himself back out of fear of causing Cultivation to strike back at him. Dalinar asked the Stormfather who the other Bondsmith spren were, and the Stormfather told him that the [[Nightwatcher]] was one, but he refused to tell Dalinar about the [[sibling|third]] who slumbers. They then discussed Honor's state at the time of the [[Recreance]] and then Dalinar left to go to the meeting.
=== Oathbringer ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
