Difference between revisions of "User:King of Herdaz/Dalinar Kholin"

Dalinar is often willing to share his secrets with Navani; notably, she's one of the very few people he's told about not remembering Evi, and the one he turns to when he seeks someone to take notes on his visions.{{book ref|sa3|4}}{{book ref|sa3|52}} He seems unwilling to tell her everything, though; he doesn't share the details of the events at the Rift once he remembers them, possibly out of fear that it would push Navani away.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
While Dalinar is incapacitated Navani leads the coalition and covers for him while he is unable to do his job.{{book ref|sa3|104}}{{book ref|sa3|96}}
=== Monarchs of Roshar ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
