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== Appearance and Personality ==
[[File:{{image|Dalinar by HW Lee.jpg|thumb|side=right|width=300px|<center><small>by {{a|HW Lee}}</small></center>]]
=== Appearance ===
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== Attributes and Abilities ==
[[File:{{image|Dalinar by Grant Hansen.jpg|thumb|left|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Grant Hansen}}</small></center> The Blackthorn riding into battle]]|side=left|width=250px}}
Dalinar was raised in the Vorin religion; his Calling to be a leader, and his chosen Glory determination.{{book ref|sa1|18}} At some point in his life, he joined a lay devotary called the Order of [[Talenelat]].{{book ref|sa1|54}} However, over time his faith wavers, and his visions lead him to conclude that the [[Almighty]] is dead. This ends with his excommunication from the [[Vorin]] church.{{book ref|sa3|100}}
He also commands the [[:Category: Kholin army|Kholin Army]], though in battles, he often passes the command to his eldest son. The army is large and well-trained, although it takes significant losses in the [[Battle of the Tower]].{{book ref|sa2|2}} The [[Cobalt Guard]] and [[Bridge Four]], two units of honor guard dedicated to protecting the king and the Kholins, are also part of the army. He also once had a group of soldier who accompanied him into battle, [[Dalinar's elites]], but they seem to have been dissolved by the [[War of Reckoning]], though some of their members still fight for him.
[[File:{{image|Choose a Side.jpg|thumb|right|250px|<center><small>by {{a|Ganna Pazyniuk}}</small></center> Using [[Surgebinding]] to try and help [[Venli]] in one of his visions]]|side=right|width=250px}}
=== Visions ===
{{for|Dalinar's visions}}
==== Unifying Alethkar ====
[[File: {{image|OB - Flashback Gavilar Dalinar.jpg|width=300px|thumb|right|<center><small>by {{a|Botanicaxu}}</small></center> Young Gavilar and Dalinar]]|side=right}}
Dalinar, Gavilar and their friend, [[Torol Sadeas]], sought to unite the scattered Alethi princedoms and have a true kingdom once more. Each highprince historically ruled over their lands individually, and conflicts between the princedoms were common. This strife between the warring highprinces had lasted for centuries. Gavilar's vision was to put an end to that.
Two years after that, the war was still on going. Dalinar and Evi were betrothed, not yet married. Dalinar led the attack against Highprince [[Kalanor]], intent on winning the Shards that Kalanor held. While in the battle, Dalinar gets so caught up in the Thrill that he didn't realize he killed Kholin men during the assault. Dalinar killed Kalanor in single combat, winning his Shards, but the Thrill was so strong in him that when Gavilar approached him afterwards, Dalinar went after his own brother with the intent to kill him. Only when Gavilar took off his helm and smiled at him did Dalinar snap out of it. Deeply ashamed of himself, Dalinar gifted Gavilar the Shards he had just won. He swears to himself that he must never be king.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
[[File:{{image|Dalinar and Evi by Botanicaxu.jpg|width=300px|thumb|left|<center><small>by {{a|botanicaxu}}</small></center> Dalinar and Evi]]|side=left}}
==== Married Life ====
Dalinar spent more years fighting the Vedens. As Adolin grew into his adolescence, Dalinar was pleased to have his oldest accompany him on the years-long campaign and became a somewhat wiser and kinder man, attempting to be better now that he wished to be a role model for his son. Dalinar was coaching Adolin on battlefield strategy when Evi arrived with a letter from Gavilar. Dalinar guessed the contents before Evi could even finish the letter: Gavilar was sending him to the Rift. The Rathalas rebels were more entrenched than ever, and Gavilar was out of options. Dalinar, pleased to hear the news, suggested that they might never settle in Kholinar again. Evi was distraught to hear it, and cried at the thought that she might never again have a life free from war and death. Both upset at each other, Dalinar promised Evi at least a year in Kholinar after he put down the rebellion at the Rift.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
[[File:{{image|Dalinar Ambush LGD.png|width=300px|thumb|right|<center><small>by {{a|LittleGreyDragon}}</small></center> Dalinar filled with the Thrill after being ambushed by Tanalan's men]]|side=right}}
==== The Rift ====
The battle against the Parshendi was the first time Dalinar lost the [[Thrill]] in his memory.{{book ref|sa1|26}} This loss of the Thrill during battle caused Dalinar to question why he was fighting this war and whether alternative methods of settling the Alethi dispute with the Parshendi would yield better results. The Highprinces saw Dalinar's wish for a more peaceful resolution as a further sign of weakness, rather than wisdom, so he kept these questions to himself.
[[File: {{image|Dalinar_the_Blackthorn.jpg|width=300px|thumb|left|<center><small>by {{a|Evan Monteiro}}</small></center> Dalinar fights a chasmfiend during a hunt]]|side=left}}
Dalinar was deeply frustrated by the war at the Shattered Plains, as the Highprinces' priorities have changed from seeking vengeance on the Parshendi to competing for [[gemheart]]s in order to gain wealth for themselves. Dalinar believed the war on the Parshendi had become nothing but a game to the Highprinces and strives to unite them. He wanted to be the [[Highprince of War]] to realise this.{{book ref|sa1|18}} Despite his ambivalent feelings about staying at the Shattered Plains, Dalinar was devoted to Elhokar and the nation of Alethkar above all. Though Dalinar rarely went on hunts, in {{date/sa|year=1173}} he decided to accompany Elhokar and Sadeas. Elhokar managed to tease Dalinar into a footrace, and for his nephew's sake, Dalinar let him win.
Dalinar promised Renarin that he would give him a set of [[Shardplate]] as soon as he had one to spare.
[[File: {{image|Dalinar by Linnéa Sandberg.png|width=200px|thumb|right|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Linnéa Sandberg|Linnéa Sandberg]]</small></center> Dalinar in uniform]]|side=right}}
He suggested to Elhokar that they withdraw from the Shattered Plains. Like Adolin, Elhokar was horrified at the suggestion and was alarmed at what his uncle was thinking. Dalinar changed tactic, stating that they had lingered on the Plains for far too long and that they needed a new strategy to defeat the Parshendi. He asked Elhokar to make him the [[Highprince of War]] so he might have the power to enforce changes in the other warcamps. Elhokar refused to give him the title unless Dalinar could prove that it was possible for the Highprinces to productively work together.{{book ref|sa1|18}}
Things were looking hopeless for them when a single bridge crew, [[Bridge Four]], led by [[Kaladin]], returned and saved them. The bridge offered the army a way off of the plateau and Kaladin was able to fight off enough of the Parshendi to allow Dalinar, Adolin, and the remains of the Kholin army to escape.{{book ref|sa1|66}}{{book ref|sa1|67}}{{book ref|sa1|68}} Dalinar promised Kaladin that he would free him and his crew from Sadeas.{{book ref|sa1|68}} They all returned to the warcamp to confront Sadeas.
[[File:{{image|Fervent Prayer by Antti Hakosaari.jpg|width=300px|thumb|right|<center><small>by {{a|Antti Hakosaari}}</small></center> Navani praying for Dalinar while she waits for news from the battle]]|side=right}}
When Sadeas refused to sell the bridgemen to Dalinar, Dalinar offered his Shardblade, [[Oathbringer]], in payment instead. Sadeas accepted.{{book ref|sa1|69}} Dalinar appointed Kaladin as the captain of all the bridgemen who would be trained as soldiers to replenish the Kholin army.{{book ref|sa1|73}} Bridge Four was appointed as the honour guard for Dalinar and his family. Dalinar also gave Kaladin his cloak, to mark him as a Kholin soldier and even part of his family.{{book ref|sa1|73}} Dalinar also gave his son [[Renarin]] his Shardplate.{{book ref|sa1|69}} By relinquishing both of his Shards, Dalinar kept his promises to Kaladin and Renarin, proving himself to be an honorable man.
==== The Start ====
[[File: {{image|Dalinar visions.jpg|width=200px|thumb|right|<center><small>by {{a|Sheep}}</small></center> Dalinar and Navani in a highstorm]]|side=right}}
Dalinar started planning, in his capacity as [[Highprince of War]], to unify Alethkar and refound the [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa2|4}} Navani had begun staying with him while he had his visions so she could record them and translate what Dalinar said. After such a vision, Dalinar went to bed, and when he woke up the next morning, he found glyphs scratched onto his wall: ''Sixty-two days. Death follows.''
Dalinar's relationship with his family is complicated. He idealizes his brother, and, as a younger man, was frequently willing to make sacrifices in Gavilar's favor. However, he also heavily envied him, mostly when it came to Gavilar's wife, [[Navani]], although such moments of envy were often accompanied by intense sense of shame.{{book ref|sa3|26}} His own marriage was significantly worse, as he and [[Evi]] had little in common and even after years together, Dalinar still pined for Navani.{{book ref|sa3|36}} While Dalinar did his duty in marrying Evi and fathering children with her, he could not make himself fall in love with her, which he somewhat regretted.{{book ref|sa3|26}} The cultural barrier between the two would lead to a number of misunderstandings, and while Dalinar sometimes let Evi have her way, he often did so out of frustration rather than genuine affection.{{book ref|sa3|66}}
[[File:{{image|Dalinar family BBQ Shapez reddit.jpg|thumb|right|300px|<center><small>by {{a|BBQShapez}}</small></center> Dalinar with Evi and his sons]]|side=right|width=300px}}
Dalinar's relations with the younger generation of [[House Kholin]] are no less fraught. He has been idealizing [[Adolin]] since the moment the boy was born, and favored him heavily to the detriment of [[Renarin]].{{book ref|sa3|49}}{{book ref|sa3|52}} Although he generally supports him, he often resorts to treating Adolin as a subordinate soldier rather than a son when trying to have his way.{{book ref|sa3|88}}{{book ref|sa1|24}} While outwardly claiming that Adolin doesn't have to be perfect, Dalinar seems to expect it from his son, and the realization that this might not necessarily be the case has him reeling.{{book ref|sa3|122}} Adolin in return adores Dalinar, and finds the idea of opposing him to be terrifying.{{book ref|sa1|24}}
Dalinar's relationship with [[Jasnah]] is perhaps the best among his relatives. The two bond together over ''The Way of Kings'', and respect each other's knowledge and opinions.{{book ref|sa3|105}} Dalinar considers Jasnah to be the most trustworthy person in his family, often wishing that she would come to the Shattered Plains with him.{{book ref|sa1|22}} Jasnah likewise is willing to aid her uncle, offering heartfelt advice when needed.{{book ref|sa3|56}}
[[File:{{image|Dalinar and Navani by Marie Seeberger.jpg|thumb|right|180px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Marie Seeberger|Marie Seeberger]]</small></center> Dalinar and Navani]]|side=right|width=180px}}
=== Navani ===
Autopatrolled, Editors
