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m (+family)
|abilities=[[Obligator]], Lord Prelan[[Category:Steel Ministry]]
|homeland=Final Empire
|children=[[Vin]] & [[Vin's sister|sister]]
|books=[[Mistborn trilogy]][[Category:Mistborn]]
'''Tevidian''' was the Lord Prelan of the [[Steel Ministry]] on [[Scadrial]] shortly before the [[Lord Ruler]]'s death,{{ref|b|mb1|c|26}} and [[Vin]]'s father. He was a Tekiel (and as such, a noble of a very pure line), but had to renounce his surname to join the Steel Ministry.{{ref|b|mb3|a|32}}.
Tevidian bedded many skaa women.{{ref|b|mb1|c|36}} Ultimately, he illegitimately sired [[Vin]] and her sister, providing them both Allomancy--Vin being [[Mistborn]] and her younger sister being a [[Seeker]]. He had claimed he killed every skaa he slept with, but Vin's mother deceived Tevidian into thinking she was noble, and so he was too lax with her. Tevidian eventually found her and killed her, but did not manage to kill Vin or her sister.{{ref|b|mb1|c|36}} Tevidian did not recognize Vin, and Vin suspected Tevidian never knew he was a father.
== Personality ==
|"My lord," Tevidian said, turning away from her. "Look outside your window! Do we not have better things to discuss? The entire city is in rebellion! Skaa torches light up the night, and they dare go out into the mists. They blaspheme in riots, attacking the keeps of the nobility!"