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==== Rituals ====
The cult has two notable rituals - the parades, and the feastsfeast. The parades are organized daily on the streets of Kholinar. The participants dress up as the deformed, corrupted spren and attempt to imitate them further through odd movements and unnerving moaning. The purpose of the parades seems to be to both express the cult's values and to attract new members.
The feast is organized at the Monastery Dais in the palace itself, and is invitation-only, with the chief requirement being that a new participant must bring food to the table. At the feast, the tables are filled with food, both fresh and rotten, which is eaten with bare hands. The participants are encourage to fully indulge themselves, abandoning all hesitation or reason. The feast is organized in concentric rings, with each ring bringing a participant closer to Ashertmarn, and makes it more difficult to resist his influence - though most participants do not even fight it. Some members of the feast are so far gone, they do not leave the Dais.{{book ref|sa3|78}}