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'''Valda Mendez''' is a member of the [[National Assembly Leader]]ship, and a former Defiance Defense Force (DDF) pilot.{{book ref|skyward|i|3}} She is [[Arturo]]'s mother.{{book ref|Skyward|52}}
She is the mother of [[Arturo_Mendez|Arturo]], and her family lives in the deep caverns.{{book ref|Skyward|52}} Her family owns several private ships that are used as escorts during trading operations.{{book ref|sky1|35}} The radio frequency 1250 is used by Valda's family.{{book ref|sky1|37}}
== History ==
During her younger years Valda joined the DDF, becoming a pilot and flying, at one point, in the same squadron as Ironsides.{{book ref|skyward|i|3}}
Years later, Valda had risen to become a National Assembly Leader. While she held her post, her son, Arturo, joined the DDF with the intention of becoming a pilot. Partway through his training, after he was almost shot down during a flight, Valda pulled strings to have Arturo removed from flight school.She shows little regret out of removing her son from the program, despite his skill as a pilot and the asset he would be to the DDF.{{book ref|sky1|i|3}}{{book ref|sky1|41}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
She is a petite woman with tan skin.{{book ref|Skyward|i|3}}
Valda is highly critical of [[Ironsides]]' leadership of the DDF.{{book ref|sky1|i|3}}
== Notes ==