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Thought he coalition broke, Thaylen accepted the Alethi help to support the possible invation from Odium and his forces. Navani traveled to that city to help and support the queen.{{book ref|sa3|115}}
During the battle itself, she and Queen Fen were attacked by a huge rock monster who destroyed the tower they were in, and then somehow left. Navani and Fen were able to go down the surviving steps. From there Navani was able to see that Amaram had switched sides and Dalinar facing the unmade alone.{{book ref|sa3|116}}
Navani, Fen and her consort Kmakl were then captured by one of Amaram’s troops who still blamed the Kholins for the killing of [[Torol Sadeas]]. As they were going to execute [[Kmakl ]], Navani pulled out her painbrial and knocked their enemies down.{{book ref|sa3|118}}
They were later joined by Adolin, who gave her the news on Elhokar’s death and provided comfort. And later Jasnah came in to ask her to clear the center of the city which she mobilized to do.{{book ref|sa3|120}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==