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==== Shallan the Radiant ====
[[File:The Tower.jpg|300px|thumb|right|Shallan's surrealist sketch of Urithiru--by [[Isaac Stewart]]]]
After reforming the Knight Radiant, Dalinar asked Shallan and Renarin to learn as much about their newfound powers as they could; however, Shallan had a lot more on her mind than just her new role as a Knight Radiant. Following her confrontation with her past, Shallan struggled to keep her mind from from wandering to the murder of her parents, so she attempted to focus on drawing rather than murder she had committed. As she practiced drawing Urithiru, she found that her drawing was more of a surrealistic interpretation of the tower city rather than a realistic one. Noticing her frustration, Pattern assured Shallan that it was okay for her to hate him for killing her parents; however, Shallan assured Pattern that she did not blame the spren but rather the way her life led spiraled out of control and eventually led to her killing her parents. As the conversation between her and Pattern dulled, a [[Tyn|scout]] arrived to inform her that she had been requested to attend a meeting with Dalinar and his family also in attendance. While making their way to the meeting, the scout asked Shallan about what it meant to be a Knight Radiant and carry a Shardblade. Despite being a Lightweaver, she pretended to be an [[Elsecaller]] when in public in order to hide the fact that she could create illusions. Shallan assured the scout that she would still be able to maintain her femininity whilst acting as a Radiant, seemingly disappointing the scout. {{book ref|sa3|2}}{{book ref|sa3|8}}
When Shallan arrived to the meeting, Dalinar hoped to glean some sort of information from her in order to understand more about the political world. Unfortunately, Shallan was unable to share the information Dalinar was hoping for, disappointing the [[highprince]]]. While the meeting went on, Shallan constructed a three-dimensional projection of Roshar out of stormlight with the aid of Dalinar's own abilities. {{book ref|sa3|8}} As the attendees at the meeting marveled at her creation, [[Lyn]] returned to inform them that there had been a murder. When they arrive at the scene of the crime, the victim appeared to be [[Vedekar Perel]], and they discover that the murder was an exact copy of the murder of Highprince [[Sadeas]]. When Adolin is assigned to search for the perpetrator, Shallan noticed that he had been acting strange and Pattern humshummed in response to Adolin's strange behavior.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
Afterwards, Shallan began to practice her Illumination abilities in her room. She learned to better control her creations and could now cause them to move without the aid of Pattern. As she was practicing, Adolin arrived and they began to flirt with one another and eventually kissed until Pattern interrupted them. {{book ref|sa3|13}} While Adolin and Shallan continued to build their relationship, Adolin urged Shallan to learn use a Shardblade in order to better defend herself. Shallan, however, could not bring herself to use the blade due to her past experience with the weapon so she created a new personality, one she named Brightness Radiant, to take on while using the Shardblade. While practicing, Shallan noticed the similarities between Adolin and herself as they were both passionate about what they love. As time passed, Shallan began to feel that she could be herself around Adolin. {{book ref|sa3|15}}