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m (gonna try that)
She is also more involved in keeping [[House Davar]]'s accounts, and their fortunes seem to have improved. Her father has shrewdly stopped being bullied by the other lighteyes and has started playing them off each other. New marble deposits have been discovered, which provide resources to keep up with his promises, bribes, and deals. Shallan hopes this will improve her father's temperament, but it doesn't.
Lin and Balat are arguing about who he will marry. Balat wants to marry [[Eylita Tavinar]], but his father thinks she's of too low a status. He wants Balat to marry [[Sudi Valam]], daughter of of [[Highprince]] [[Valam]], who is a widow in her fifties. Their argument escalates and Balat calls his father a murderer. In response, Lin coldly orders one of his new guards to kill Balat's new [[axehound]] pups. Balat is outraged and tells his father that [[Helaran]] is back, and that they had met only two days past. They lock eyes, then Balat stalks out of the room.
Shallan finds Balat in the kennel, where his new pod of axehound pups were dead in a pool of violet blood. She'd encouraged him to breed them and he'd been making progress with his demons over the years, rarely hurting anything larger than a cremling now. They discuss fleeing their house, and Balat tells her he wants to go to live in [[Vedenar]] with Eylita. Shallan says she can't go but will try to think of a way for them to escape, and returns to the house.